The calm before the storm

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Our excitement for the ball made the time fly. We sat in our usual meeting place, my room, as our servants fiddled endlessly with our unruly hair.

"Addy, are you going to dance with anyone or just sit and be lonely the whole time?" Nessa asked, knowing my annoyance.

I pondered dramatically. "Just sit and be lonely."

She groaned. "You, my dear friend, are boring."

Ev laughed. "Boring? More like the smartest out of the three of us. Dancing is boring."

"Dancing is not boring," Nessa scoffed.

"It's sweet and it's romantic." She added

I looked at Ev and we gagged. Nessa rolled her eyes and took a book from her lap, continuing to read. Ev and I continued talking. I wasn't really thinking about what I was saying, mostly trying to get Nessa's attention, it's fun. I knew exactly what would work.

" - and then there's Silas," I blurted out of nowhere.

"But I'd never dance with him in any romantic way." I made a face.

"That's just weird. And I am in no way looking for a love life. That's a you two thing."

Nessa laughed as her hair was completed. Nessa dressed and left, saying,

"I'll see you two later, I have to go meet Tyler."

"Of course you do," I joked. 

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