Nessa being Nessa

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It was time again to groom Eclipse. She laid across my lap as I stroked her back with the wire comb. All of a sudden she leaped up and started hissing at my closed door. I sighed, 

"It's fine Eclipse"

I got up and opened the door.

Nessa walked in, staring straight forward. She droned past me and flopped right onto my bed. She was facing up and smiling uncontrollably. I stood, still holding the door, and frowned. My mood changed as I noticed her smile.

"Someone's excited," I laughed.

"Great observation," She replied, monotone.

"Well if you're gonna be sassy about it, I'll leave," I snarked.

Being so close to the door, I spun on my heels and walked out, stifling a smile.

"No, don't go!" She called back.

"I need to talk to you about Tyler!"

I took a dramatic pause and turned back.

"Fine. But we need to find Ev first."

"Find me for what?" Evangeline walked in with perfect timing, she had obviously been waiting around the corner for a perfect cue.

"You'll see," Nessa smiled mischievously.

Nessa dragged me back into my room and we all sat on the freshly made bed.

"So, what'd you need me for? I have better things to do than sit here and do nothing," Evangeline said to no one in particular.

"Well, I was walking in town, going to return my book, which I'm now realizing I never ended up returning because I ran into Tyler and he kind of gave me a rose - a white one, my favorite - and he kind of asked me to the ball and I kind of said yes and he kissed my hand and I ran home to talk to you guys and never returned my book and now I'm scared because he's not royal or a regent or anything and what if my parents don't like him!" I finished. "And now I don't even have a new book to read."

We stared at Nessa for a few seconds before Evangeline left, hands in the air. I sighed and followed.

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