Girl Chat

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I went home. And I took a nap. I awoke suddenly to my door being flung open by the apparent rudest person I've been in acquaintance with. Evengeline barged in but before she could say anything, Nessa flew through the doorway.

"Addy, I need help!"

Of course she does. I groaned out a long


"But I have boy problems!"

I flung the covers over my head dramatically and sat straight up.

"Did Nessa just say she has boy problems?" I stated aloud.

"Maybe," she muttered, hiding her face.

"Spill," Ev stated plainly.

"I, uh..." she stuttered

"You, uh..." Evangeline mocked.

"You were about to tell us about your little boyfriend. But hurry up because I have news that's far better."

"Hey!" Nessa yelled.

"Boyfriend?!" I squealed, sprawling out of bed.

Nessa sighed before spewing words faster than I could comprehend them, 

"Ok fine! I met a boy. But he is not my boyfriend. I just ran into him...twice... and when I see him I get this fluttering feeling in my stomach, like there's butterflies flying around and my head starts to spin and Addy help I think I'm in love!"

She looked up, embarrassed. "Please don't tell my parents."

"Too late," Ev said. "Now, dress shopping time!'

"For what?" Nessa asked, grateful for the change in subject.

"The ball," Ev responded as if Nessa should have known.

"Oh yeah!" Nessa realized. "Let's go! Let's go! Come on!"

While the two pretty princesses fussed over dresses, I questioned how I'm the only actual princess. I decided on a dazzling forest green gown. It flowed so gracefully to the floor that it wasn't even a hard choice.

Once our dresses were paid for, we headed back to my room to hang out like we do quite often.

Eventually, the inevitable topic of who we were all taking as dates to the ball, grasped its way to the surface.

It was no surprise that Walker would be attending with Evangeline. I mean, they're engaged! 

"So, I think I'm going with Walker, but who are you going to the ball with?" Ev asked.

"I'm not going with anyone," I said, not even bordering her enthusiasm and scrunching my face   in disgust. 

"But, Miss Nessa, who are you going with? Maybe a certain baker's son?" I knew I was provoking the beast, but I pleaded nevertheless.

She layed her face in her hands. 

"Beshrew thee," I heard Nessa whisper under her breath

"Oh come on, you know you like him, so just ask him to the ball!" I whined.

"It's not that simple!" She exclaimed.

Evangeline sighed. "Nessarose, by my troth, he will say yes! All you need to do is ask!"

"But what if I can't find him," she persisted.

"He's a baker, he's probably at the bakery," Ev stated.

she rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll ask him when I see him tomorrow."

"You're seeing him tomorrow?" I squealed.

"Maybe," She muttered.

"So that's a yes?" Ev smirked. "Good day sir, I am leaving!"

Evangeline pivoted and walked out, head held high. Per usual.

The now remainder of the room detonated into an explosion of laughter.

"I hate you two," Nessarose exhaled.

"But you love Tyler," I teased.

"Okay, but how can I not?!" She said sarcastically. 

"I mean, his eyes, they like sparkle, and his hair it looks so fluffy and soft and -"

"And that," I paused for effect, "Is my cue to leave."

I heard a thump as I walked out followed by a long sigh.

"Oh Nessa"

"Even though we were talking in my room I had to get out of there." I said, probably startling her,

"She started talking more and more about Tyler." Addy said, shuttering.

She laughed,

"This is not funny, I don't think I ever want to see Nessa in love ever again."

"That's why I left." She whined.

"Yeah, you left me alone with her," I said, wiping a small tear from my face.

She burst into laughter at the action. It took multiple seconds for her to recover. Eventually, she squeezed out,

"You are making me keak, I can barely catch my breath. Also, no need to be so dramatic."

"Trust me, these tears are needed for what I heard," I said, wiping a tear away with my small handkerchief that I had tucked in the waistline of my skirt

"Well, I was going to try on my gown and then have my maid style my hair."

"That's far better than carrying on such a horrendous conversation with Nessa. I shall have my maid do the same so we can show each other our gowns."

"Okay!" Evangeline exploded at the thought of being pampered.

"We shall meet in the gathering hall and practice our ball dance."

"You can't dance without a partner though."

"Well, then I shall call some male servants to dance with us."

"Wouldn't you rather dance with Walker?" I sing-songed, over dramatically batting my eyelashes.

She sighed and mumbled,

"I'll talk to you about that later."


She cut me off, stating plainly,

"We should hurry before Nessa finds us and starts talking about Tyler."


"I bid you a good day, goodbye."

"I'll see you soon."

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