Little girl

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After finding Tonowari on the beach we all made our way back home with Ao'nung on his shoulders pulling on his hair

As we were walking I felt that pressure release and water starts running down my legs

"Aaahhh, Tonowari!" I gasp

"What is it love?" He asks frantic when he sees my expression

"The babies coming"

He sets down Ao'nung and picks me up, I look down and see him holding onto his papas tail and Tonowari quickly made his way to his mother, the Tsahik

"The baby is coming please sooth her" he said as he laid me down in his parents pod

He sat behind me while Ao'nung quickly sat neck to me holding my hand

"Mama are you okay?" He asked scared

"I'm gonna be fine my son, your little sibling is coming!" I said trying not to scare him

"How about grandpa take you to the back of the pod and you guys can play while me and mama wait for the baby" Tonowari said

"But I don't wanna leave her, I'm her strong soldier, and I promised to protect the baby" he said scrunching his face trying to look tough but it was so adorable

"Okay you can stay, how about you help grandma get things ready!" He quickly hopped up and went to help

"Are you ready my love? We're gonna have a new little baby" he said excited

"I'm scared" I whispered

"Why Angel? You're so strong and last time you did amazing!" He said rubbing my hair back

"What if it's too much this time" I said trying to breathe through the pain

"Don't say such things, we are all here with you, Eywa is with you, I know you can do this!"

"Okay, you're right, I can do this" I encouraged myself

Hours later~

After hours of excruciating pain it was finally over, and now I was holding my beautiful little girl, see had the same skin color as Tonowari and Ao'nung but had my yellow eyes

"She's beautiful, thank you my love" Tonowari said as he was still sat behind me, rubbing his fingers over her

That's when Ao'nung came out and raced over to our side

"Mama! Are you okay now?" He asked pushing my hair out of my eyes

"I'm okay love, meet your new baby sister!" I said leaning over on my side so he could see her

He was beyond shocked, he leaned close running his little hand over her face, down until he was holding her hand

"She's so cute mama!"

"Do you wanna name her?" I asked smiling at the scene

"Really! How about baby Tsireya!"

"It's perfect son!" Tonowari said proud

This was perfect, everything I've always wanted right here with me

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