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"And this is your own Marui pod, it's a bit smaller than the others but that's because it's only you staying here" he said as he showed me my new home

It was very different from my home back in the forest but I could make it work, I had to

"It's cute, I can work with this" i said smiling

"I'm Tonowari by the way" he said leaning against the entrance

"My names y/n, it's nice to meet you Tonowari"

He made me feel butterflies, it made me feel a bit more comfortable here

"Come on I'll show you around the island" he said walking away and I quickly caught up to him

We walked along the beach and he showed me the fishing nets and the members making some kind of tool they use when hunting out at sea

Then we settled on the shore as the sun was setting

"So does anyone from your tribe know you left?" He asked

"Only one, she was my friend, she was the only one who understood how I was feeling, I hope to see her again one day" I said feeling sad about leaving Neytiri

"If Eywa is with you then you will see her again" he said smiling at me

"But I understand how you feel, the pressure to be perfect, my parents are the leaders so one day I'm going to have to take over the role, ever since I was born I've been shown the ropes but it's a lot to take sometimes" he confessed

I felt bad for upsetting him, I placed my hand in his shoulder and he looked up at me

"Even though we just met you can come to me anytime if you are feeling like this" I said hoping to making him feel better

"Thank you, you are very kind"

We sat there for a moment just looking at eachother until he broke the silence

"We should probably get back, I have to help my father prepare some things, I'll come by to get you for our final meal of the day" he said walking me back to my pod

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