ode to something different

11 3 3

And the water that rushes

The light bulb within my mind went

Out this time, black like matches

That tend to flicker after a little bit

Of Breeze,

Because I seem to forge that

Rush of an idea that I want to write,

I'll go on still

This time surprisingly it's not a blue,

Nor white but a

Gleam of radiant glow yellow moon,

And the feet that aches but determine

To go from one point to the next

That'll someday leads to success,

And when they ask 'how did it all started?'

You make sure replied with a smile

and say 'My feet'.

Or say 'My vision, my goal.

Or something cliche motivational,

You know.

You feel small sometimes like a grain

Of sand, and smaller than that,

We people of a people all walking,

Eating, living their own lives,

Going through their own problems,

In a universe that's vast and bigger than us,

In a country see people, meet them

once then never again,

See people don't feel the need to interact

With them,

See people and didn't even know

That they exist,

People see you and think the same,

All going home or someplace where they

Call home or try to,

All tired, Some lonely, Some nice, Some

Grumpy, going home to same, unexpected, headache and a little bit

-ashes poetry

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