You could have feel the storm heading
That way in your mind in your not so
Shelterd heart
How your face fail to navigate
your mind back
On it's composed course and everyone
Around you didn't help,
The phone ringed and you answered it
grumbling without looking to see who
Even called at that late night,
Some hellos and the question how are
You feeling?
To someone else you might have say fine
Like always because isn't that what
People Want to hear,
But to someone, distant from
And across you aren't, they know
And how the voice through the device
that you hold like a implant memory
Seem to ease the brewing kettle
The storm that was about to gather rain
In its arms and dump it, saying you,
Talking to flow like a birds song
Even though night had already Settle
In and took a seat,
Everything talked about
Old cars, classic, future, dreams, memes
Quote, questions,
flirtation felt around
The conversation gentle but confident,
advice filled your ears like a cup
that needed refill,
But it wasn't really the topics
But the voice that fill them and you hum
Nod, smiling behind the screen hoping
That your voice produce the same magic
You recall the day, with a stranger on
the bus wishing you well,
A friend visiting you on your lunch hour
A happy customer telling you how you
Sounded lively that morning,
Then you learn to appreciate voices
Or even one just a little more,
While you strain your ears even
With the speaker on
Even with sirens, the sound of breeze
The shiver that licked your skin followed
By the bark of
a neighbors dog, the sound of the back
door creaking open shutting and your
family calling
You in the background
You still somehow manage to drown
Those noise out demanding your
attention, just to hear that voice
That voice that voice .