What should I do when someone dies,
Cry my eyes a river and drown my self
In it,
Or don't shed a tear when we can't
maybe because of the shock or
Maybe because it pains‐
"You didn't cry,
And of course
No one would ignore dry eyes
For they rather tears even if its not
From the bottom of the heart,
And me you
Me your self
Tries to find
It in you,
Of why didn't you
Maybe because at the end
We all know
What was born
For us in the beginning
Or because simply
We don't know
How do you find the answer to that
Some may ask or one .
‐us but there is
No point in crying on solid dirt that
won't Grow a plant that's already dead,
And had it's time of curing what it could,
and could not,
Should I squeeze lemon in my eyes and
Scream on the top of my lungs hoping
Somone would baby me back to norm,
Like nothing ever happened.
Can I walk around with grieve dressed
On my face with a color I so hate or
came to love that I might like,
Or others might hate
Or should we celebrate death
Like God and continue, what was or
wasn't puzed.
-ashes poetry
A/N My grandmother passed away,
Sometimes I would sit and recall memories as we all do.