i have a urge

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We often let the heart and mind do the leading.

I have a urge to let it out now

Before it fades, again

To collect and connect every trash

to the garbage, to sweep the roads clean

of its filt,

The urge to ask that long neck of a bird

"good day can I fly with you, where ever you headed to?"

And that nice stranger of a bird would

Nod and spread its feathers gracefuly open "I don't mind if you do".

And I would follow suit.

I have a urge to burn everything down

swolling everything alive dancing like

the most tragic beautiful flame,

But the urge to be the rain and water

plants and like a guardian I'll watch them grow,

The urge to be the wind and sweep

every trash, every branch, leaves stick

Paper, plastic that some creatures have

Now called a shelter, a home.

But the heart to not sweep everything

Thinking about their part, them, alone.

I have the urge to give failure my hand

and say "here take it, you have won."

But the urge to scarfice myself to the

wolves just to get past them to the

Land of here I am!

I have the urge to read, and read, without any disruption

and trace the stars in their cover constellation,

I have the urge to fly to you, for you, we

have crossed paths making us two, a

bubble just so circumstances can pop us out of our dazed, leaving us in the blue

I have the urge to closed my eyes shut

and listen to sounds of distant dreams,

Swimming in a lake, with the sun

glistening on its backs,

The urge to stand next to that crying

toddler and like that we'll cry together,

Not one river but two, space for anyone

Who would want to empty out their

gallons of life sorrow,

The urge to write so much but with little words,

I have the urge to Forget about tomorrow
Yet run after it like it ows me a weekly pay.

She has the urge to let it simmer down letting it fade into the air, rembering what it felt like when it apper.


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