Maybe it's there I just need to find it the
Like small flicker of light bulb string
I need to pull to spark some board of
My coworker she's very un patient
The type to jump first all body plunge
Into cold water, though I
Tip toe, around a conversion a topic
Around a being to see if they are doing
the same,
sometimes one toe or a finger
Dip just to test how warm or cold the
water is, it gets tiring at times always
Being the life guard
I let them know when it's safe
To jump in, I jump first when I know it's
safe, "now nothings safe".
An old woman said shaking her head
in pity in sorrow in old to new age,
Walks, cars, people, electronics, houses,
Us, you, but who makes them unsafe
Maybe I should jump, plunge, pentrate
Into the water into the conversions
without testing the water but-
THEN then I'll have to think about–
The damaged don't we all or don't?
Like today I give a little girl a lollipop
Without her paying a life guard I was
Saving her before she Burts into a
flooded shop of tears the parent didn't
had a quarter,
I jumped all in plunge just before the
water reach above level.
A/N lol I like mixing my life into what I write sometimes it gives my writers block a break, how are you guys doing in this summer.