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Before it starts I just wanna say that this is my first ever wattpad story I've ever written so it may be very cringey. Anyways this takes place after episode 9 and if episode 10 and 11 never happened. Enjoy the cringe! TW: Mentions of: Self Harm, Violence, Abuse, Death of a parent, Death of an animal.

Jake stayed in the room, for 2 hours and 14 minutes to be exact. He didn't care about how he was missing class, he only cared about the club. No one saw him,  no one noticed, no one cared. As soon as he heard the bell, he grabbed his stuff and ran home. Not looking at anyone or anything, just going home. As soon as he got home he realised he came home early, so no one else was home. He decided to just go into his bed and rest. He went to his bedroom to see Oreo on his bed. Oreo was his best friend and son, Jake loved Oreo to the moon and back, if Oreo died then he wouldn't know what to do with his life anymore. He went into bed to give him snuggles, it's what he needed after what had just happened. It was weird, Oreo was like a therapy dog to Jake, even though he wasn't trained to be. 

Jake had a long nap, so long that when he woke up it was 7pm. Milo and Jane were home, Jane was making dinner for the three, while Milo was on the couch playing video games. Jake walked into the room with eye bags as big as an elephant. Jane saw him and asked if he could feed Oreo, of course he would, he loves Oreo so much he would always regret not feeding him for 1 night or morning. As he saw Oreo eating he smiled, he smiled because the only thing that could keep him happy now were his siblings and Oreo.

Jane is 6 years older than Jake meaning she is 22, you might think she lives alone like a normal 22 year old. But instead she takes care of her brothers, you might wonder why she does that instead of their parents, but she has no choice. They have no other relatives. Their parents were both the only child, all of their grandparents have died. Their dad in jail for homicide and child abuse. Their mum died when Milo was just born. Jake was 6, Jane was 10, and their mother had passed away 12 years ago. Both didn't know how, or why, all they knew is that they died. 

All three of them sat on the dining table. "Rough day?" Jane asked Jake, "I know that maths is hard in that year level, I hated it so much," she explained. Jake just agreed, he didn't know how to tell his overprotective older sister that he had lost all of his friends due to peer pressure. "It gets harder!?" Asked Milo with a scared tone in his voice. "Yes, it does, don't worry though, you'll be doing it in 4 years time," explained Jane. "But Jake," Jane said with a tone, a tone that was asking some sort of question, but in a serious matter, it sounded a bit out of character for Jane to talk like that to Jake, she had always been so calm. "Yes?" He said, he didn't know what else to say to her when she was asking like this. "What actually happened, you can't have eye bags that big from maths," she asked with a concerned tone. "I'll tell you later, I'm going to sleep early, I'm pretty sure I have a test tomorrow anyways," Jake answered. He didn't feel comfortable telling this at the dinner table. Maybe it would be better for him to skip the next day, to have a break. 

He went to bed and cried himself to sleep. For he grew up without his mother by his side, no happy memories as a kid, being bullied until high school, and now loosing all of his friends. Nothing could get worse. That night he had a nightmare, where both Milo and Jane got sick and died, he wouldn't mind if it were him but he hated the thought of it happening to his only family left. He woke up to go and get a drink of water, he was dehydrated after all. But that night was different...

He all of a sudden heard whimpering coming from his room. Jake put down the glass he was drinking from to go to his room to see what the hell was going on. He walked into his room to see Oreo on the floor, looking really uncomfortable. He ran to Janes room as fast as he possibly could and opened the door. "Wake up, it's urgent!" He said loudly with tears streaming down his face. Jane woke up, "What Jake, what happened?" She asked half asleep. "It's Oreo, he's whimpering on the floor we need to take him to a vet as soon as possible!" He cried. "What!?" Jane said with a worried tone, she got out of bed and went straight into the car with Oreo in her hands. Left a note on the table saying where her and Jake were gonna be for Milo. And left to the vet.

This was the most stressful car ride ever. Rushing to the vet with a dog whimpering in Jakes lap I the back seat. As soon as they got there they ran inside, Jake holding Oreo while there were waterfalls coming out of his eyes. They gave him to an emergency veterinarian, but unfortunately we're not allowed in the room with Oreo. Jake and Jane were in the waiting room, Jake was squeezing Jane so tight she thought that she was putting a corset around her neck. He stopped crying when he saw someone familiar. Magenta hair, and a black hoodie. "Drew?" He thought, "But Drew doesn't have a pet, not one that I know of?" He was thinking as Drew walked up to him with a calm face. Jake didn't want to talk to him after what had happened, so he went back to squeezing Jane. "Oh, hi Jake! What happened are you okay?" Drew asked with confusion while being worried about his friend. Jake ignored him, no way he was talking to any of his old friends after what happened. "Jake, he asked you a question, don't be rude and answer him," Jane said calmly. Jake didn't want to be rude nor disobey Jane so he just said "go away Drew, I don't want to talk to you right now." He felt his eyes getting wet while still hugging Jane. Drew walked away, although Jake didn't see how he was feeling, not that he wanted to anyways. "Why did you say that, I thought he was your best friend since freshman year?" Asked Jane, worried about her brother. "He isn't my best friend anymore," Jake confirmed. Drew had heard this, he felt all of these strange feelings at the same time, he had just lost his best friend for good. So he decided just to not try to interact with Jake at all.

After a while Jake and Jane were allowed to go in the room, Jake was happy to see his baby again, until the vet said something heartbreaking, Jake felt his heart shatter into pieces. "We are dearly sorry for your loss," the vet said, guilt in their voice. Jake stayed silent, and stood still, as if he was a sculptor. No way did his meaning in life just leave. Just went into another universe, just like that. Jane needed to find out more information about what actually happened according to the vets so Jake was excused out of the room, he walked like he was a solider, except the fact he was looking down while tears were filling his eyes. He just stood there, still as a rock. Wondering were he would get to in life now, what would he do without Oreo. As soon as Jane left the room they went home. Jane let Jake and Milo have 2 weeks off of school but that did not fix the damage that was in jakes heart, which was now in 1 million pieces. Why oh why did this have to happen?! Why now, not after Jake is gone. 

Those 2 weeks were the hardest in Jakes life. He was not happy the entire time, and spent every day in bed crying. He loved Oreo so much and to just see him taken way like that broke him. Jane got Jake a therapist, which didn't help as much as she planned. All Jake wanted was to have Oreo back, which couldn't happen. He found some scissors in his school bag that he was suddenly so intrigued with. He didn't know why, but he just loved them. He locked the door, pulled up his sleeve, and cut. All he payed attention to were the scissors, not the blood streaming down his arm, and not the pain he was feeling. He only stopped after 7 cuts on his arm. He only just realised then what he was doing, he only just realised then all of the blood that was all over his desk, the scissors, and his arm. He immediately covered up his arm, cleaned his desk, hid the scissors, unlocked his door, and started scrolling through TikTok on his bed. Jane then walked in to check up on him, "You're going back to school tomorrow, make sure to wake up early," she said in her calm voice. Jake just nodded and decided to go to sleep as Jane left the room.

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