~father figure~

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Hailey's POV

I went to kiss Jake when we heard a bang on the door. I looked through the doors window to see Jake's father. "Shhh" I whispered trying to hide Jake. "Jake I know you're in there, please just let daddy come in," he pleaded.

A/N: that's what he said /j

Jake opened his mouth to speak, fear in his eyes. "No, you're not going to tough my boyfriend again!" I spoke up, "Aren't you supposed to be outside anyway!" I yelled. Jake showed that  'you shouldn't have done that' sort of face. "Excuse me missy, I was talking about my beloved son, not you!" He said with an angry tone. "Beloved!? What do you mean beloved?! You threw bottles at me for the stupidest reasons, didn't even feed us, beat the fuck out of us when you felt like it, drank way too much, and last I checked you were sentenced to jail for murder as well!" Jake suddenly yelled, luckily just before he said that I put my audio recording on. 

"You do not speak to your father that way!" Jake's dad yelled back. "What father!? Last I checked you were some dude who hurt my siblings and me John!" Jake shouted with pain in his voice. "That's it! I'm coming in." He said. I quickly put my phone in my pocket as we heard aggressive banging on the door. 

Suddenly the door crashed down damaging the drums. I went to go in front of Jake to protect him but he stopped me. His father ran at him.

All I remembered from that is blood, sirens, screams, and a very injured Jake. 

I didn't even remember that my phone was audio recording. I saw the police come in and arrest his father, and nurses came in and put Jake on a stretcher. I cried as I saw all of the blood on him and on the floor. 

Student POV

We were all just sitting and listening to this random boomer talk about his fake ass crimes. When all of a sudden he said he needed to go inside the school.

 The teachers had the dumbest idea to let him in by himself. A couple of minutes later we all heard very loud banging. I instantly called 911.

 We saw an ambulance and a couple of police cars. A couple of minutes later we saw the police officers take the criminal man into a police car with handcuffs on. We then saw someone on a stretcher with blood all over him. Was this dude a real criminal?

 I saw everyone freak out and take pictures and videos. 

"HAILEY!" Some dude with purple hair was yelling with tears streaming down his face. "HAILEY!" He cried again. Was that the boys name? I would name my son that, it sounds cute. 

Then a turquoise haired girl running to the field with tears running down her face. "HAILEY ARE YOU HURT!?" The boy yelled as she ran up to hug him. I guess that was Hailey, who was the other person then? 

Hailey's POV

I went and hugged Zander. He was yelling which hurt my ear. "I'm physically okay, but Jake isn't," I said crying. "What happened?" Zander asked with worry.

 "Well, I was looking for Jake and when I found him he looked like he had been crying, he had a sort of traumatised look on his face after we saw him on the other way to the corridor and pulled me to the music room where he locked I door, he told me everything about the criminal that he knew, then were going to kiss but he found us and asked us to let him in, Jake looked scared so I backed up for him, then the dude yelled at me and Jake argued with him, then the criminal broke down the door and wrecked the drums he then pounced on Jake, all I remember is the blood, sirens, screams, and what he looked like." I explained sobbing. 

"Sorry about your drums Luke," I apologised crying. "That's fine, I just hope Jake is okay," he said with a knowledge on how to talk when I'm like this. "WELL OBVIOUSLY HE IS NOT OKAY, YOU MIGHT HAVE SEEN SOME BLOOD FROM A FAR BUT NOT THE BRUISES, SCARS, BLACK EYE, AND TRAUMA!" I screamed getting the whole grades attention. I then ran away sobbing. "Hailey, wait!" Zander said chasing me.

Back in time~

Sean's POV 

I was in the middle of a math exam, answering a question when my entire class just heard the phrase "Jake I know you're in there, please just let daddy come in." I heard some snickers as I continued doing the question I was on. We then heard yelling, I couldn't quite comprehend what the words were as I was trying to process what is going on. It was all coming from the music room. 

The only words I got glued in my mind were "beloved, bottles, murder" now people in my class were starting to freak out including me. All of a sudden a big bang was heard among the class. I heard the sound of the drums break. Oh god. 

"STOP HURTING HIM, STOP STOP STOP!" I heard a girl with a similar voice to Hailey scream. I also heard screams of pain. 

Next thing I knew, sirens, stretchers, police. Everything for fuck sake! 

I looked through the classroom window to see Jake on a stretcher with lots of blood on him. "JAKE?!" I yelled worried for my friend. I ran out of the room and saw Hailey running, she didn't notice me. "Sean! Get back in here for your safety at this instant!" The teacher scolded. 

I tried to do the rest of the test but I just couldn't. With all of the thoughts of the noises, Jake's injuries and Hailey being stressed. I couldn't, I was crying.

Back in time again because we need everyone's POV

Milly's POV

I was assigned partner work, Elliot came to me. I was so excited for this.

We were doing some work together when we heard running, the classroom is right next to the janitors closet which is next to the music room. We saw Jake and Hailey walk past. I guessed that they were skipping class for baby making, smirked and went on with my work.

A couple of minutes later we saw some dude who looked 38 run past. Our teacher instantly closed the blinds and locked the door which scared the fuck out of everyone. Elliot hugged me in fear and I hugged back.

We heard Hailey's voice, I instantly sprung up to protect him. The teacher stopped me. 

We heard the entire argument go down. Jake was hurt like that? I was in shock. But why was his father in the school anyway? Shouldn't he be in prison if he hurt jake like that and murdered someone?

"That's it, I'm coming in!" We heard the man yell. *BANG* *BANG* *CRASH* we heard the noises. I heard wood breaking. People in my class were crying and I was too. We heard everything clearly, from the punches to the blood to the sirens. 

I was still worried for the rest of the class. People asked "why are you worried we heard the handcuffs." They didn't have their friends hurt in that, did they?

I felt my face get wet, I was crying. Elliot wiped my tears away for more to come. He gave me a hug and let me know that everything was okay and that Jake and Hailey are strong.

A/N: They could only hear so they think both Jake and Hailey got hurt. Also Milly and Elliot are not dating, they are best friends in this AU (you may get milliot later)

Back in normal time

Hailey's POV

I was running away from the school with tears streaming down my face, then I remembered. My phone was still recording! I stopped running, sat on a bench nearby, pulled out my phone and saved the recording. After that I cried more. I didn't care if people stared. I just didn't care.

Author: Hey y'all! Thanks so much for reading this chapter I really appreciate it. I forgot if I gave Jake's dad a name in a previous chapter so he might have a new one being John! And Hailey is currently at a bench near the tree Luke and Zander started dating. Love you all so much!

-xo Charli <3

(Wordcount: 1274)

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