~finally literacy~

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Zander's POV

I'm still mad at Hailey for dating that fucking dumbass. But if it makes her happy then I'll just ignore it.

 Anyways all of the classes in junior year are going to be doing some sort of thing for literacy where we meet some sort of criminal. We had to watch a documentary about law and stuff. I don't know why in literacy but okay then. I didn't like having to watch the documentary because in it there was a dude who had a pet spider. 

Jake's POV

Literacy is next, I'm nervous because the teachers did confirm that we are meeting a criminal, though Zoey did not pay the school to invite them. Hopefully it's just someone who stole like an apple or something, but yet again I don't think you would go to jail for that. I think it's illegal for the school to invite someone who did a dangerous crime into the school anyways.

A/N: I think you might know where this is going.

After class we had lunch, I learned quickly that the music club all sit on a table together. Hailey and I got our food together and sat next to each other (obviously) then we had rehearsals (sort of, more like sharpening our abilities) Drew called us freaks, nothing new. After class we have literacy.

A/N: Get your popcorn out fellow music freaks...

The end of lunch came, Hailey, Luke, Zander and I said bye to Milly and Sean as we all walked to literacy class together. Turns out since all of the juniors are doing it together we are going to the school field. 

We went and sat in a group together at the front because it was opposite to Drew and his friends who were sitting at the back. The criminal has not been revealed yet. So I'm just hoping it's safe. 

A/N: 2 things, 1. Yes I called the criminal an it on purpose, 2. I'm really sorry that I'm taking so long to get to the plot which you probably already know.

All of the students came and the criminal was going to be revealed in a minute. I have mentally prepared myself for this. Everyone started counting down, then it got to three, to two, to one.

oh no

Then someone familiar walked onto the field. It took me a second to realise that, OH GOD, IT WAS MY FATHER, I NEED TO RUN. I then had a vision, more like a flashback of him hurting my siblings and I, I could feel the pain just having that flashback. I snapped back into reality when Zander nudged me. "Ow, what was that for!" I asked annoyed, while secretly thanking him. "You were staring into space looking traumatised, it was annoying," he explained. "Oh well, I need to go to the bathroom, be right back!" I exclaimed as I quickly kissed Hailey goodbye and ran to the bathroom. Not to go, but to skip class. There is NO way I am going to have a class with him being in it. I went into a stall, locked the door, sat on the toilet and started crying. As I was crying I heard his yelling in my ear, the sound of glass breaking, my siblings crying, all of it. Everything was just going through my head. 

Before lunch my teacher said that this would be extended so it's the last class of the day. I'll just do what I did a couple of weeks ago, skip all my classes and bolt out. Or maybe I could do something else. I pulled out my phone and messaged Jane:

A/N: Jk= Jake, Jn= Jane

Jk - "Hey can you pick me up from school please?"

Jn - "Yeah sure I'll pick you up after school, why do you not want to walk home today?"

Jn - "Are you too tired, does it feel like someone is following you?"

Jk - "Not after school, like rn"

Jn - "I'm at work sorry"

Jn - "Why do you need to leave anyway?"

Jk - "I'll tell you later"

Jn - "okay love you bye!"

Jk - "love you too <3"

I put my phone down, now what do I do, if I walk then everyone will see me. I'll just stay here then. I pull out my phone and just play subway surfers. I don't know why I chose that game of all because you literally have to run away from an angry man. Never mind I'll just do something else. 

Turns out I lost track of time, because all of a sudden I hear my name being called. I don't want to talk to anyone right now so I just go back to doing what I was doing. That's when I hear it again. Sounds like Hailey this time.

 I decide to go out of the bathroom to see Hailey looking for me. "Yeah, what?" I ask. "There you are!" She runs and hugs me, " why did you leave me like that! If you wanted to skip class we could have done it together," she said still hugging me. She then looks up at me. "Have you been, crying?!" She exclaims with a worried tone. Oh shit have I? I thought I stopped. 

"Why, what's wrong, what happened?" She asked. I then broke out into tears and hugged her, head over her shoulder. "Jake?" She asked again. "He hurt us," I said while sobbing. She hugged me back. "It's okay Jake, there are teachers there and all of the junior students!" She explained trying to calm me down. "Yeah all of the students including Zoey who will probably just post me in instagram so I become a target for bullying again," I said sobbing. "It's okay, I won't let that happen," she said calmly. "Okay then, I trust you," I said calming down.

Then the worst possible scenario happened. I looked up to see him on the other side of the hallway. I had another sort of vision flashback thing that pained me. I snapped back into reality when Hailey quickly pecked my lips. I looked his way again to see him closer, I ran away like sonic while pulling Hailey away with me protecting her as well. 

"Woah Jake where are we going?!" She exclaimed. "Shhh, we need to hide, if we don't want a glass bottle thrown at us," I whispered. "The music room has a lock," Hailey informed me. So I brought us to the music room where she locked the door. 

I then broke down and told her everything. About how my mother died 12 years ago, how my father treated us, how Jane is my legal guardian, and about Oreo. As soon as I said Oreo's name I had a flashback to him whimpering, taking him to a vet, and then being told he died. Jane telling me about Oreo's death replayed too much to count. I only snapped back into reality when I felt a pair of arms around me. Turns out Hailey was giving me a hug. 

"It's alright Jake, I'll keep you and your siblings safe from him, you guys can stay over at mine tonight if you need, just please stop crying, and know that Oreo and your Mum love you so much, and that they are working together to protect you and your siblings from your father," she said, calming me down. "Thank you for caring about me Hailey," I said. 

We put out faces close together and were about to kiss, when we heard a loud bang on the door.

Author- Thanks so much for reading this dramatic trailer it means the world to me! Yes I did leave you on a cliffhanger but I'm feeling motivated so I might make another one as soon as this chapter comes out. Love you all! 

-xo Charli <3

(Wordcount: 1196)

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