~over protective~

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Jake's POV

I woke up in a white room, where am I? All I remember is getting pushed to the ground, everything else was just a blackout.

A lady with baggy blue clothes came into the room. "Oh you're awake! You have some visitors here to see you!" The lady said cheerfully. That's when she walked out of the room. 

I then heard "sorry, family first," from the lady. "WE ARE FAMILY LET US IN!" I heard someone yell. Was it Milly? Sounded like her. The music club ran into the room and hugged me. 

"Hailey, where are we?" I asked, confused and scared. "Jake, you safe, we are in a hospital," she chuckled. "Where are Jane and Milo?" I asked. "They're just coming here," Hailey explained. "Stop asking questions be happy because I'm here!" Milly exclaimed. "Okay," I agreed.

"But-" I started as Milly put her pointer finger a centimetre away from my lips. "No," she said and pulled her finger away. I had a million questions, I didn't want to startle anyone so I kept them locked in my mind for later.

That's when I heard footsteps, they sounded familiar. Then the nurse came back in to give me my jacket? I thought I was wearing it. I thanked her and went back to talking to my friends. We were laughing and having a good time. Then I saw Jane run into the room. She hugged me. "Jake what happened it's been two days?!" She asked. 

"I... don't remember," 

I said truthfully, "all I remember is being pushed to the ground, that's it."

The entire room got silent. 

"I was there. I saw everything," Hailey spoke up looking down. "What happened to my brother!?" Jane exclaimed starting to get mad. 

"I-I well what happened w-was," she started getting uncomfortable. Then her eyes grew all of a sudden and shrank again. "I just remembered, I was audio recording everything!" She exclaimed. 

Hailey's POV

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "Jane, what's your number so I can send it to you?" I asked. "Just play it!" Jane yelled. I pressed play. And felt my eyes get wet hearing that audio. I went over to Jake and snuggled him while crying lightly. 

I was seeing it happen again in my mind. The blood, the door crashing down, everything. 

I saw a look of horror in Jane's eyes. "Jake you are moving schools, I'm sorry everyone but I just don't feel it's safe for him," Jane apologised. "That's okay, we understand," Sean said. "When we get home we can look at different schools, okay?" Jane asked Jake. 

"But what about the music club?" He asked with sadness in his voice. "We will call everyday, I promise," I said. He showed a face of trust. "Okay then," He said. "Well we better be going, I have to go somewhere today," I said.  "Bye Prince!" I kissed him goodbye and left.

Jake's POV

And she left. Zander and Luke followed. A couple of minutes later visiting time was over and everyone had to leave. I had to have some tests done on me and tomorrow I have a surgery.

Author: hey y'all sorry for the short chapter, im not feeling as motivated today. thanks so much for reading i really appreciate it. love you all!

-xo charli <3

(Wordcount: 513)

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