~pink haired denial~

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Milly's POV

The past couple of days have been literally insane. I wonder how Hailey is feeling. 

That's when I got a snap from Jake..


Me - yeeeee

JAKE FROM STATE FARM - Have you seen twitter recently?

Me - y u using grammar

Me - no

JAKE FROM STATE FARM - Then check it and message me back.

Me - okiii

Me - ayo this is snap i snap u bak

JAKE FROM STATE FARM - I don't give a fuck.

I went to twitter to see school things.

"jake sterling died no cap 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨"

"yall think it was the victim who died lmao 🤓"

"is his girlfriends last name Wickham or Austin? 😀"


"rest in piece austin 😔"

"ayo who the fuck is hailey🤡"


"if we focus away from the school drama we have a pink heart emoji now 🩷"

"I ate the criminal"

"If you cared about me than thank you, if you didn't than also thank you for making my life interesting. The guilt has been building up inside of me ever since Friday. I will be happier when I'm not in this hell hole of a life. Please do not care about me as I do not deserve it. Jake himself saw my other tweet and said it's not true but I know deep down it is. I'm sorry if I had made a bad affect on your life, hopefully you're happier now that I'm gone. I'm sorry for wasting your time today but thank you for appearing in my short life, even if you didn't like me. Signing off. -Hailey Austin."

I read that last one and shock came to my eye. What does she mean as in signing off?! I went back into snap with Jake.

Me - what does she mean as in signing off?!

JAKE FROM STATE FARM- What do you think?

Me - are you sure your not pranking me

JAKE FROM STATE FARM - Do you think I would prank you about this?

Me - "i have to go"

I threw my phone across my bed. If she doesn't come to school tomorrow it's true.

The next day I woke up and got ready for school. I am not ready to see if Hailey is there or not.

I walk to school as usual and meet Sean by the gate, the silence was really awkward. 

In the middle of class I got an email.

"We are deeply sorry for the loss of Hailey Austin" it read.

I could feel the horror in my eyes. "Millicent, give me your phone at this instant!" The teacher scolded. "S-sorry can I have a break," I pleaded. "Why?" The teacher questioned. "I JUST NEED ONE RIGHT NOW" I yelled feeling tears form in my eyes.

"You do not speak to your teacher that way! Not only will you stay here and not have a break but you will also have detention," he scolded. I stayed silent. 

"Are you okay?" Elliot whispered to me. I stayed silent and looked away. 

When lunch came I skipped eating and went to the music room. A couple of minutes later I saw Sean and Luke walk in. "Hey Milly, where were you in the cafeteria?" Sean asked. "I skipped eating," I explained. "Where are Zander and Hailey?" I asked. 

I saw the guilt in their eyes as both Sean and Luke look down. "Zander is having a break from school and I think you already know about Hailey," Luke said with pain in his voice. 

"Y'all are taking this prank too far, first Jake snaps me, then I get an anonymous email, now this, you can pull out the prank cameras now," I said annoyed.

"Milly, this isn't a prank and I know it's hard but you need to accept it," Luke said starting to cry. "B-but Hailey doesn't die," I said. We then had a big group hug. 

"I miss her too"  

Author: Hey Y'all thanks so much for reading this chapter I really appreciate it! I'm thinking of making some art for this chapter but I'm not sure :/ love you all!

-xo charli <3

(Wordcount: 647)

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