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Author: Just a little warning before this chapter starts. This chapter contains su1c1d4l thoughts and death from su1c1d3 ⚠️ 

Hailey's POV

As I walked home with Zander and Luke I looked down at my phone. "News article about Jake, news article about Jake, news article about John, hang on, what's that?" I read aloud. "What's what?" Luke asked. "News reporters trying to find witnesses, rosemeadow students say that they saw just one, that being Jake Sterling's said girlfriend," I started read to Luke and Zander. "Though we do not have her appearance or location," I finished.

"That's fake, when was the last time we have seen news reporters at our school?" Zander asked rhetorically. "Well some of our classmates said something about having interviews," I answered.  


"She's not wrong Zander," Luke said replying to Zander's silence. 


"I wasn't planning on doing an interview anyway, calm down Zander," I explained. 

"Good," Zander finally spoke.

I just don't understand why this is all happening out of nowhere. It's really stressful. One second I hate him the next we are dating, his dad gets free from jail and he doesn't tell me why, his dad comes to the school where he tells me all about his father, then he gets sent to hospital. I love him lots I really do but why all this as soon as we start dating? At the end of all rainbows there is a pot if gold, or at the end of all stories there is a happy ending, which one did mummy used to tell me?! I can't take this. I can't I just can't. Oh and not to mention he cuts himself. The other day I read about someone dying because of too much blood loss when they did that. I can't lose Jake, I love him. I can't lose him like I lost mummy. I can't take this anymore, I'm ending it all. But what about Zander, Milly, Luke, Sean, Bethany, dad, mum, and Jake. And ever who's ever cared about me. I'll give myself two weeks and if things don't end up getting better I might as well end it all. This is all my fault anyway.

"Hailey are you okay? You look stressed," Luke sent me out of my daze. "Oh uh yeah I'm fine!" I lied. I know I shouldn't lie but I need to right now. "Just stressing  about uh s-school! Yeah school," I exclaimed. "Okay?" Luke was confused. Then Zander started rambling on about why spiders shouldn't exist.

Two weeks, or shorter. I don't know. It's my fault Jake was hurt, I should have just stood up for him, or at least taken him to a less obvious room. I pulled out my phone again. "I'm the reason that Jake was sent to hospital, I should have protected him or brought him to a different room, I'm sorry for all of the stress I caused." I tweeted and put my phone down again. 

"Hailey are you listening?" Zander asked. "I would rather let Milly dress me for Jake," I replied. "Rude," he answered back. We saw our house and went inside. I ran straight to my room and locked the door. I sat on my bed and watched a movie. 

"KIDS, DINNER IS READY!" My stepmom called. I'm not planning on eating anything but I have no choice but to go down for dinner anyway. I brought my phone and scrolled through Facebook when I a hand took it away. "Dad, give it back," I said. "I will return this when you are finished with your food," he explained. I rolled my eyes and started eating. "How was your day Hailey?" Shannon asked me, is really nice but I'm not in the mood right now. "I saw Jake so that was good," I replied looking down. "How about school, was that nice?" She asked. "If wanting to die the whole time is considered nice," I replied. She just showed a concerned face.

"I'm done, can I have my phone back now?" I asked as I stood up. My dad passed it back to me, I went to my room, I locked the door. I went on my desk. What's that? A knife?! And it has a note. "In case a stranger climbs through your window, kill them or I will, love your amazing and handsome stepbrother" why am I not surprised? I'll just leave it there. 

I went on my bed and texted Jake.

H - hiii

J - heyyy

H - do you know when ur coming out the hsptl

J - i think the day after tmrw 

H - okay love youuu

J - wait dont goooo :(

H - too bad /j

J - haha

H - what do you need

J - wyd 

H - just chilling

J - are you sure your not blaming urself for anything 

H - im not why

J - i saw ur tweet

H - shit

J - why r u pretending that it's ur fault 

H - im not, it is my fault 

J - y do u think that

H - i gtg love u byeeee!

J - wait

H - my dads calling me

J - °~°

J - bye then ig, love u

I put my phone down and started crying, I can't take it anymore. An hour later I stopped crying. I can't take anything anymore. I pulled my phone out again. 

"If you cared about me than thank you, if you didn't than also thank you for making my life interesting. The guilt has been building up inside of me ever since Friday. I will be happier when I'm not in this hell hole of a life. Please do not care about me as I do not deserve it. Jake himself saw my other tweet and said it's not true but I know deep down it is. I'm sorry if I had made a bad affect on your life, hopefully you're happier now that I'm gone. I'm sorry for wasting your time today but thank you for appearing in my short life, even if you didn't like me. Signing off. -Hailey Austin." I tweeted. 

I then put the knife to my chest. 

Third person POV

She stabbed herself, when she failed to die she did it again but deeper. She then dropped to the floor.

The door was locked, she didn't scream so nobody heard anything...

Author: Hey y'all, thanks for reading this emotional chapter, it was hard to write but I got through it. Love you all!

- xo Charli

(Wordcount: 1024)

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