~music club~

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Jake's POV

I went through the day surprisingly well. I was even invited into the music club again as well! It was funny seeing how shocked Milly and Sean were (kind of like the shocked pikachu face) the only problem was that I hadn't sang for the last 2 weeks. 

I forgot how much I loved doing it and just remembered now that I missed the competition

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I forgot how much I loved doing it and just remembered now that I missed the competition. "So how'd y'all do in the competition?" I asked. "Unfortunately we came fifth," Hailey replied, "I guess we shouldn't have kicked you out." There was a sudden silence between the six of us, for exactly seven seconds until I broke it. "Hey Hailey, come here for a second," I said. She went to where I was, so I had the perfect opportunity to carry her and run away with her in my arms. "HEY! GIVE BACK MY SISTER!" Zander yelled. Then the bell rang so we had to go to class.

On the way to our next class Hailey asked, "why did you do that?" So I simply replied, "I'll do anything for you princess." I guess all of my jitters for literacy class went away. "I love you, even when you kidnap me," she said in an annoyed tone. "I love you too," I answered back.

Hailey's POV

Jake can sure be very clingy sometimes, but I love that about him. We sit next to each other in every class we are in together now. Currently Jake is in tech while I'm in maths. 

Sometimes I wonder why he gets so clingy whenever something about his parents come up. There was the fact that his father was in jail but I don't really know why. I've been to his house before and seen a dog bed sort of thing. I decided not to question it as it may bring up some bad memories. I'm planning to invite him over tonight because he is my boyfriend. 

"Austin, are you paying attention?" The teacher asked in a disappointed tone. "Yes, I am" I replied, though I am not. I am actually thinking about my boyfriend, talking about Jake I wonder how he is doing?


"IM A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WORLD" He sang Luke gracefully clapped along.

Back with Hailey

I'm sure he's working really hard right now. 

"Alright class, I'm surprising you with a pop quiz!" The teacher exclaimed. UGGGHHHH I hate pop quizzes. Ok then I guess. 

Author: Alright some things have changed, for example the title and the fact there is now POVs soooo~ anyways thanks for reading this chapter, I know it's short but expect some drama next chapter when it comes out. (Word count 421)

-xo charli

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