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He woke up for school the next day, and left. This was different to a normal school day for Jake, he didn't know what, but it just felt off. When he got there he walked straight past Henry Liam and Drew. And straight to class as tears were once again falling down his cheeks. Just 2 weeks ago he had lost someone special to him. On his way to class he saw Hailey, Zander, and Luke. Who were all talking happily until he walked past. They saw him, and all of a sudden looked shock to see him facing down with tears streaming down his face. Hailey came and asked if he was okay, he just ignored her and walked past. On his way to class he heard lots of whispering. He just ignored it and went to class. As soon as he got in he sat on the opposite side of the room to his old friends, which was next to Daisy. "Hi Jake, glad to see your back! Are you alright?" She asked him. "I'm just fine," he said with a sad tone in his face putting his stuff down.  He was glad to sit next to Daisy but still had tears pouring down his face. 

He decided to hang with Daisy for the day. He had lost his feelings for her a while ago. Later in the day it got really hot so he took off his jacket and accidentally showed all 7 of his severe cuts to his entire PE class. He didn't notice that he just showed everyone until he noticed all of the shocked and concerned faces from everyone. He realised that 2 were still bleeding so he quickly covered it up. He instantly felt a tug in his arm and was pulled to the nurse. He didn't know who did it, but that person definitely cared about him a lot. All he knew is that he was now in the nurses office, someone was calling his name, a rather familiar voice it was. That's when he looked up to see Hailey. He was confused, he thought she hated him. "Why do you care, don't you hate me?" Jake asked. "I care about you, Who cares what you said. I realise now that I should of let you explain, we found a video on Zoeys instagram titled 'Manipulating Jake because I'm a girl boss 💅💅💅💅💅' which showed the peer pressure building up to what you said, I'm sorry for not letting you explain, I didn't know that it would have that much of an impact on your mental health," Hailey explained. "That isn't why I cut my own arm, it was another personal reason," Jake answered. "You can tell me anything Jake," Hailey informed. Jake suddenly felt tears in his eyes, he didn't want to think about anything that happened, he then felt his heart shatter again. "It's personal, sorry," he said to Hailey. "That's alright, I love you so much and I want you to keep your personal things private," She said. Jake all of a sudden felt his heart get back together, and butterflies fill his stomach. "You, what?" He asked as his face turned red. "What, I never said anything, uhm totally!" She exclaimed. "I'm pretty sure I heard 3 words in that sentence, which where I, love, and you." He said to Hailey. "And if you love me than I love you too!" He said with happiness in his voice. "I do, i love you, i dream about you every night," Hailey explained. "So, will you be my girlfriend?" Jake asked Hailey, hoping for a yes. Hailey  got close to him and kissed him on his lip. "Of course I will, I love you"

The nurse came, gave him a bandage, and told them it's time to leave. They left the gym hand in hand. 

Pause the story: as I  writing this most of it just deleted so I'm just gonna put TLDR because it's really long and I'm to lazy to re write it all again.

TLDR: It was lunchtime Jake and hailey sat together and told Zander and Luke they were dating, then band rehearsals came so Jake decided not to go and to do his own thing. Drew walked past called Jake a freak and walked away. Then Jake found an article that said his father was released from Jail so Jake went to hailey who then ended rehearsals early to ask Jake if he was okay and stuff.

"Jake, you're safe it's okay," Hailey explained to Jake in her calm tone. "No, it's not okay, he hurt me and my siblings, HE HURT US!" Jake yelled with tears streaming down his cheeks like waterfalls. "I know Jake, your safe when your at school and at home," Hailey explained, trying to calm Jake down. "NO, IM NOT SAFE, I WAS SAFE WHEN HE WAS IN JAIL BUT NOT ANYMORE!" He yelled again, Hailey could see how obviously traumatised he was. That's when Hailey went in for the hug, "If he comes I'll protect you, I promise!" Hailey said to Jake. "But if you protect me he'll hurt you!" Jake exclaimed, he was worried for his girlfriend. "I don't care if he hurts me, I just want you and your siblings to be safe," Hailey explained, tears filling her eyes. Hailey quickly washed away those tears because she didn't want to scare Jake anymore. That's when the bell rung and it was time for class. They sat next to each other and chose each other for the partner project the class was assigned.

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