Chapter 1

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"Don't you guys have better things to do? You know, as top heroes of the world."

"Shinsou! That is no way to speak to your friends!"

"You are the ones who came over to my place unannounced. Also, I will not listen to your friendship classes when you can't even call me by my first name, Tenya."

The engine hero started moving his arms in robotic motions as he tried to defend himself, but by then, he was already being ignored.

"Aw Hitoshi, we just wanted to see how you were. You are always busy." Said the broccoli hero in attempts to diffuse the situation. "And it is our day off!"

Days off we're truly odd for them these days. Especially for Izuku and Shouto, who despite the short amount of years they have been as heros, were already in the top 20's and were rapidly climbing up the rankings.

"Mhhh… Well, whatever." Shinsou turned to his bicolored friend. "Did you come here just to eat?"

Shouto stared blankly at Hitoshi as he slurped his cold soba. After a few minutes, he swallowed and took a breath,


"Ack! Shouto!" Izuku rapidly turned to Hitoshi "He didn't! He was also worried about you! We are all simply worried about you! Right!?"
Izuku frantically turned to his friends for support. Earning a nod from his known dekusquad, with the exception of Shouto who simply continued eating.

"Although, you seem to be taking the news well, ribbit"

Hitoshi turned to his friends, confusion clearly written all over his face.

"Worried about me? Wait, news? What news?"

At that, the entire group went quiet. Everyone stared at him nervously. Even Shouto stopped eating.

"Haha… um… Toshi, have you checked your mail today?"
Izuku looked at his tired friend nervously, while fidgeting with his fingers.

"No? Why?"

"Where is it? Your mail, where is it?"

Hitoshi pointed at a corner on his kitchen counter. "Um… It is over th-"

Before he got to finish, Ochako rushed, grabbed the pile, quickly began looking for something, and then grabbed a pastel yellow and purple envelope.
The group looked at each other and at the envelope, unsure of how to proceed.

"What is going on? What 's that?"

"Well, Toshi… It is…naris…ing….tation"
Izuku mumbled rapidly.


Izuku took a deep breath and looked up at Hitoshi.

"Um… It is kaminari's and Jirou's wedding invitation."

At that, Hitoshi's stomach lured uncomfortably. He shouldn't be surprised. To be honest, he wasn't really surprised, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
He shouldn't even be hurt! He was the one who rejected Denki in highschool!


His friends were still here and he still hasn't answered them.

"I see… Well, good for them. It was time already. I mean it has been, what? 4 years already? It was obvious that this was going to happen! I don't see why you guys would be worried. It was a long time ago, and I'm over it. I've always been over it, if I wasn't I wouldn't have rejected him."

He is rambling. He knows his friends know he is, but he really doesn't want to talk about it.

"Hitoshi, you don't need to pretend. We're your friends."
Ochako tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but he brushed her off.

"I'm not pretending. I have nothing to pretend, but I am busy right now."

Hitoshi grabbed the envelope and walked past them.

"You're free to go when you please."


But Hitoshi didn't stay. He grabbed his capture weapon by the entrance, slammed the door, and walked outside the building.

He got on top of a nearby building using his capture weapon. He simply stared at the envelope in his hand.

He isn't sure how long he stayed there, but what else could he do? It hurt. After all these years it kept hurting. He felt the same way he did the day he found out they started dating.
But he's to blame, isn't he?

"I like you… Toshi"

He still remembers the flustered face Denki made that day, looking at everything but shinsou. His hand covering his mouth, as he bit his lower lip.
What was his answer?

"I'm sorry Denki…but I need to focus on becoming a hero"

Of course, he would never forget it. That sentence haunts him to this day.
He wonders what face he was making. What face was Denki making? He doesn't know. He didn't stay long enough to find out.
Denki tried to talk to him a few times after that, but Hitoshi always brushed him off. The boy knew Hitoshi like him back, but he was too much of a coward to admit it.

He still remembers his last conversation with him.

"You'll get what you want, but at what cost Toshi? If you keep pushing everyone away, you'll be alone. Is that what you want?"

How right he was. He wishes he had realized that sooner. He realized his mistake soon after losing his opportunity. At least he did so before losing his friends, but what could have been haunts him.

He had seen him a few times during meetings or reunions, but he had said no more than simple pleasantries.

It's true that being able to focus on his career allowed him to get very far very quickly, especially with the low amount of competition as an underground, but he preferred taking twice as long if that meant having Denki by his side.

And now… now he's getting married.


Hello, thank you all so much for reading! Let me know what you think! Don't forget to vote! The next chapter should be out soon.

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