Chapter 2

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*Italicized words indicate flashbacks

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Izuku looked at Hitoshi nervously. He looked conflicted as he grabbed Shouto's arm tightly.
Shouto was also worried. Although he wasn't the best at showing it, the slight frown he had was enough to give it away.

Shouto had become close friends with Denki at the end of highschool, so he held a small grudge on Hitoshi for some time after finding out about the confession. That was until, one night, a drunken Hitoshi cried and screamed to Shouto about Denki when the others had left.
Shouto realized that Hitoshi was already holding a lot of regret, and their relationship got better. He also noted that he would never let Hitoshi drink that much ever again.

"I'll be fine, Izuku. I wouldn't have come here otherwise."

To be honest, he felt like puking. All he wanted was to run away from that place, but he needed this. He needed this for closure.

The venue was beautiful, it was a decently sized, colorful venue. It had a musical and electric theme to it.

Denki nor Jirou were at sight. They were probably getting ready, not wanting to see the other yet. Although, Hitoshi did catch a glimpse of the backusquad helping around.
Bakugou, Sero, Kirishima, and Todoroki were the groomsmen.
Momo, Hagakure, Mina, and Uraraka were the bridesmaids.

Hitoshi walked over to a corner in an attempt to get as far away from everyone. He took out his phone and smiled at the notification.

Loud Papa: Hey Little Listener! Let us know if you need anything!

Tired Dad: Don't force yourself. Text us if you need anything.

Lil Demon Sis: I'll be at home today, in case you want to go there. We can eat ice cream together so you feel better!

That's right, his family's got his back.
He quickly answered them that he was alright and not to worry.
His dads had always been there for him, and Eri might make fun of his "lame ass" but she has never once turned her back at him.

"So, you're going? Why?"

Hitoshi huffed at his sister's comment and ignored her as he continued eating his dinner. Every Saturday they would have a family dinner.

"What? It just doesn't make any sense. You are literally sulking at the thought of it, so why go?"

"I am not sulking."
"You are."
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are. Just admit it!"
"I'm not admitting anything cause I am not sulking!"

"Could you both stop it already?"

Both kids turned around to see his dad glaring at them. Their papa looked at his oldest with empathy and said

"Y'know Hitoshi... You don't have to go. I'm sure everyone will understand if you decide to skip it."

Hitoshi sighed and lowered his fork.

"I want to go. There's no point in trying to ignore it,"

Hitoshi paused, thinking about his next words.

"I need to go. If I truly want to let go, I have to."

Hitoshi looked down at his plate, frustration written all over his face. His family looked at each other. It wasn't every day that Hitoshi was so open to his emotions. Surprisingly, the one who spoke first was Shouta.

"If it's what you want, go ahead. Once the ceremony is over we will be here for you."

Hitoshi looked up at his dad, uneasy, but thankful.

"YEAH! We will all be waiting here! And if you decide to flee before that, we will also be here!"

A small smile escaped Hitoshi. He wasn't alone.

Hitoshi walked to his seat, next to Izuku, who sheepishly smiled at him.
The ceremony has started.

Denki is the first to walk out, he wears a beautiful, light colored suit. His lighting bolt falls gracefully on one side of his head, while the other side is beautifully braided to his head. Denki has always kept his hair a semi-long length, not long enough to touch his shoulders, but close enough.

His skin glowing like always under the light. He wonders for a second if he would be able to see his electric freckles if he were closer to him. Not many people know he has them, you need to be standing close to him to notice, but when you do, it is impossible to forget about them.

Finally, he arrives at the altar and turns around as the rest of the groomsmen, ring-bearer, and bridesmaid walk down the aisle. The music indicating that the bride is about to come next starts.

But all Hitoshi can focus on is Denki's eyes.
Those stunning, gorgeous, golden eyes. Those eyes that shine like the sun itself. The eyes he could lose himself on, and the ones he would stare at for an eternity if the heavens would allow it.
How he wished those eyes would look at him and him only,
but they don't.

He wished that his radiant smile was directed to him, but no, it was directed to...
Wait what?
Hitoshi turns to Izuku who seems as confused as he is and then looks back at where the bride and groom are.
Denki isn't smiling, no... if anything, he is frowning.

He looks annoyed, but before Jirou turns to him, he smiles. That... that isn't his usual bright, genuine smile. It looks forced and tired. It doesn't seem like Jirou noticed though, her eyes go from the officiant to Denki's hands, but never at him.

He noticed a few confused faces and frowns from the bakusquad, Shouto, and Izuku, but it seems like no one else has noticed Denki's forced expression. If anything momo looks a little off too, but she looks more nervous than anything.

The ceremony continues but something's off, Denki is off. It might be easy to say that Denki is nervous or something like that and might be the reason he doesn't look thrilled, but he doesn't look nervous. He looks fairly calm, he isn't fidgety, and he isn't flustered. His expression is cold and his smile is stiff. If Jirou glances at him, he makes his smile more believable, but the moment she looks away he puts off the act.

Jirou looks nervous but also a little flustered, which isn't rare.
What is going on here?

"Jirou Kyouka, do you take Kaminari Denki to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

At that Denki became more visibly upset, no longer bothering with the fake smile.

"Kaminari Denki, do you take Jirou Kyouka to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"No, I do not."


Once more, thank you all for reading and I hope you liked the chapter! Votes and comments are always appreciated. Let me know what you all think!

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