Chapter 5

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Hitoshi slowly woke up and glanced over at his clock, it read 10am. He honestly doesn’t know his dad does it, how can he just wake up in the afternoon? Well, he would if he wasn’t a teacher, but Hitoshi isn’t and even he can’t.

His patrol last night ended up taking longer than usual due to some villains that decided to appear just as he was about to finish. Catching them didn’t take long, what took forever was the paperwork. Instead of ending at 3, like normal, Hitoshi got back at 4, which might not be a big difference but that hour of sleep would weigh up on him all of today.

His sleep was precious, especially because no matter what he did, he just couldn’t sleep during the day, so he would have to wait.

Hitoshi got up and made his way towards the bathroom. He was still half asleep and his hair was even more messy than usual, with purple curls going in all directions. He needed his coffee, so he walked down stairs with his eyes barely open and poured himself a cup of coffee completely missing or simply ignoring the yellow blob on his peripheral.
Why is his coffee already hot?
"Mhhh Toshi? You alright?"

If he's being completely honest, he almost dropped his coffee. He looked up and met two pairs of golden eyes looking back at him.
Denki was here.

Hitoshi placed his cup down as he tried to hide how much Denki just scared him, cause he absolutely felt his soul leave his body.

Hitoshi cleared his throat.

"Yes, I'm good… Good morning"

Well, that was awkward. Denki was sitting down with Mochi on his lap and what seemed like orange juice in his hand.

"Good morning, Toshi! I…I made coffee"

Denki smiled brightly at him. It seemed like his natural smile, if not maybe a little nervous, but Hitoshi couldn't blame him.

" Yes, thank you."

There's the awkward silence again… Hitoshi really needs to work on his social skills.

"How long have you been awake?"

Hitoshi wondered if that was a weird question, but judging Denki's questioningly look, it probably was.
Maybe Hitoshi should just not talk. What kind of lame question was that?

"Oh! I'm not too sure… 6? Maybe? I always wake up early for patrol, so it's kind of a habit now"

Denki answered honestly. At that moment, Hitoshi realized something.

"Wait. Don't you work today?"

It was Monday. Hitoshi might not speak with Denki as much anymore, but he does know that Chargebolt is usually up and working on Mondays.

Denki, Bakugo, and Kirishima started their own agency 2 years ago and have been a complete success. They also work many hours since they are not only heroes but bosses.

"Yeah… I normally do, but I had taken the week off for…y'know the marriage. I was going to go today, but Katsuki told me to take the week off anyway and that he would 'explode my idiotic self into space if I dared appear at the agency this week' "

Denki made his best Bakugo's impression , earning a laugh from Hitoshi, who could totally see Bakugo doing it.

Hitoshi went over to the fridge, thinking about what to make for breakfast, when another realization struck him. He looked around and noticed that his kitchen was just how he left it, his fridge was also exactly how he left it.

"Denki...have you eaten anything at all? If you've been up for so long, you could have just grabbed whatever."

Denki looked like a deer caught in headlights.

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