7: Confronting Him

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The next day:

Y/n was ready to confront Jade about what he had done to Miha and where he had hidden her body. She knew that thinking emotionally wouldn't do any good to her, and she needed proof against Jade to make him submit to law.

She had asked Ahyeon to give a statement as an eyewitness, but since Ahyeon was involved in the crime as well, she did not want to face any judicial encounter, even if juvenile.

People are really selfish. If Ahyeon would have agreed, it would be much easier for justice to prevail. Y/n thought.

She had even gone down to beg Ahyeon, but to no avail.

"I'll go talk to Jade by myself. I won't ask for Taehyung Sunbae's help because I don't want to get him in trouble." Y/n said to herself, ready to act.

At the basketball court:

Y/n saw Jade and his friends practising and decided to call Jade in a secluded place to have a private confrontation with him. She saw Taehyung there as well, so she decided to do it sleekly, so as to not get caught.

"Jade! Professor Kim has asked for your assistance in some work related to the new project your team has been working on." Y/n told Jade, rather confidently.

"Ok, I'll talk to him later." Jade replied.

"He needs you right now!" Y/n said with a bit of frustration laced in her voice.

"Geez, fine! Boys, continue with the practice! I'll just come in a moment." Jade told his friends.

After some time, they reached the upper corridor, which was empty at that time. Jade was confused about why Professor Kim would have called him in such a place.

"Where is the Professor, girl?" Jade asked, irritated.

"Let's not beat around the bush. Where is Miha's body? Don't try to play innocent because I know everything you and your friends have done to her." Y/n said with undeniable pain in her voice.

"What's with people randomly showing up and asking about Miha? First that Taehyung guy and now you? Didn't know that bitch was this popular." Jade said in a tone which irked Y/n.

"Shut up! Cut the crap and just answer my damn question!" Y/n shouted with much anger.

"And what if I don't? What will you do huh? You know I can just drag you to the room nearby and do the same thing I did with your friend." Jade replied with a menacing voice and a cunning smirk.

"Bet you would be much tastie-" He couldn't complete the sentence as Y/n slapped him with full force.

Jade grabbed her hair and slammed her to the wall nearby. He started choking her with his hand.

"How dare you slap me slut! Since you know about that Miha bitch, I thought I would fuck you and then kill you, but now all I know is I want to see you dead right away." Jade said, boiling in anger.

Y/n was starting to lose her breathe, when suddenly someone hit Jade's head with a vase.

It was Taehyung.

"Y/n! Are you fine?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"Y-Yeah, just fine." Y/n replied weakly.

In the infirmary:

"How did you know that I was with Jade and that too at that place?" Y/n asked.

Taehyung shrugged.

"I don't really know. When I saw you talking to Jade in the court, I had this bad feeling that leaving you alone with him wasn't good. Even if the professor would have called, I still don't believe that guy. So I decided to follow you guys to make sure that you're safe." Taehyung said.

"And you said you knew about what he had done to Miha? Was it just an empty threat or you really do know what happened to her?" Taehyung asked, sceptically.

"Uh... Yes, I do know about what happened to her." Y/n replied with some hidden guilt in her voice which didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung.

She told him everything.

"W-What? How could they even do that? They aren't even humans. I'm ashamed as a human being that I live in a society where animals are born." Taehyung said as his eyes watered a bit.

"And your Wonder Woman ass decided to handle everything by yourself? How dare you to take this step all alone by yourself? Why didn't you even consider telling me this? What if I couldn't come in time today? W-What if something happened to you today?" Taehyung asked with a voice mixed with anger and worry.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down! I'm fine

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"Hey! Hey! Calm down! I'm fine." Y/n assuringly said.

"I'm sorry for not telling this to you. I was scared if it would have put you in danger. I already lost a friend, I don't want to lose another one." Y/n said.

Friend. She called me her friend. Taehyung's eyes softened.

What they didn't know was this was something more than friendship.

"It's fine. I'll forgive you only if you promise me that you'll tell me everything from now onwards." Taehyung said.

"Sure! Let's eat something first and then we'll think about how we would get proof again Jade." Y/n proposed.

"Sure thing" Taehyung quickly replied.

In the restaurant:

Taehyung didn't realise he had been staring at Y/n for too long. He only did it when Y/n coughed a bit. His cheeks were painted with a slight hue of pink as he realised he was caught.

Damn! Way to embarass yourself Kim Taehyung! Now she'll think that I'm some kind of creep

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Damn! Way to embarass yourself Kim Taehyung! Now she'll think that I'm some kind of creep. And why did you have to stare at her? Oh yeah, because her beauty is unmatc- Shut the fuck up Taehyung! You're really losing your mind these days.
Taehyung was lost in his own thoughts, making weird faces to himself which Y/n found quite funny.

She couldn't control herself and laughed out loudly when she saw Taehyung hitting himself in his head lightly.

What a weirdo. But not gonna lie, he's really cute. Y/n thought to herself, but then realised she had called him cute.

Aish! I'm too stressed out I guess! She thought.

They didn't even realise that the seed of love had been planted in their hearts way before, but will they ever realise it?

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