5: A suspect?

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"Are you sure you will talk to Jade without causing a ruckus? I mean he loves to fight and all." Y/n asked sceptically.
"Sometimes, your mental strength can easily overpower your physical strength. I know that talking to him would probably result in nothing, but might as well get a clue as to where your friend can be." Taehyung replied.

"And why are you doing this again? As far as I know, you aren't among the ones to just help someone without your own motive." She asked.

"I already told you. I'm interested in solving this case as it has caught my attention. You can think of me as a detective trying to help you, if you can't take me as a friend." Taehyung replied rather monotonously.
"Ok, ok, I understand. Anyways, thanks for helping me." Y/n said, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"I'll talk to Jade tomorrow after college." He said.

"Ok, but make sure to do it accordingly and DO NOT involve in any sort of violence." She replied.
"Oh yeah. And a kiddo like you is gonna tell me how to do it? Take a chill pill girl. I know how to do it." Taehyung chirped confidently.
"I'm not a kiddo! Anyways, I'll take my leave." Y/n left the café, leaving behind the boy who was lost in his own thoughts.
This is gonna be interesting. He thought and smirked.

The next day after college:

"Jade! Stop there." Taehyung told it to the said boy.
"What brings the forever cold Kim Taehyung to talk to me?" Jade asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I'll not beat around the bush. Where is Miha?" Taehyung asked.
"Miha who? I don't know her." Jade replied. But Taehyung wasn't a fool. Even though Jade tried his best to hide his nervousness, Taehyung could read through his expressions.
"The girl who you met in front of the Science Lab a few days before." Taehyung asked and Jade gulped.

"I don't fucking know who she is. And if she's among the ones I fucked, then it has absolutely got nothing to do with me. I'll take my leave if you're done with your shits." Jade said and practically ran away.

Taehyung's suspicion turned into belief by now. He knew that Jade had something to do with Miha's disappearance.

After some time:

"He knows about Miha's whereabouts but he won't open his damn mouth." Taehyung told Y/n.
"We can't even do much. His father is a powerful man." Y/n said.
"We have to find some other way then. But I promise we'll find Miha anyhow."
He said.
"Yeah. Anyways, I'll head towards home then. Bye!" She replied and went away.

On her way home:

Y/n heard a voice calling her.
"Oh. Do I know you miss?" Y/n asked the girl who looked no more than 16.

"You don't know me, but I surely do know you. I don't know how to say this, but it has been killing me from inside." The girl said and bursted into a fit of tears.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked.

"I k-know where your friend Miha is." The girl said, still sobbing.

Y/n's eyes widened and she gasped.
"W-where? I asked WHERE? Tell me where Miha is! Please tell m-me." Y/n raised her voice but soon composed herself.
"She disappeared after the inter-college basketball match right?" The girl asked.

Y/n nodded her head in affirmation.

"It was because of m-me. I was the one who called her outside after college." The girl replied with guilt laced in her voice.

"Why? Why did you call Miha and how is it related to her disappearance?" Y/n asked.

"I was asked to do so. They said it would be for fun." The girl said.

"They? Who are they? Stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point!" Y/n was starting to get agitated.

"I will tell you everything. But please let's go to somewhere private first. There are a lot of people around here. I don't feel s-safe." The girl said fearfully.

What is she so scared of? Y/n thought.

"Ok. As you wish. Let's go to the cafeteria
nearby. It's usually empty at this time." Y/n replied and the girl nodded.

Inside the café:

"Please continue." Y/n said rather desperately.
"I had called Miha to the street which is in the backwards of our college. It was almost night, so there weren't many people around. I told her that since she was good in studies, I needed some help. And her being the kind soul she is, agreed." The girl said with loads of guilt.

"What she didn't know was that my plans weren't so friendly. Studies were just an excuse to lure her into the street. And from there, her journey to hell was about to start." The girl said while tears started forming again in her eyes.

"Wait! What do you mean? And who even are you?" Y/n asked sceptically.

"I'm Ahyeon, Jade's sister, and one of the monsters who made Miha's life hell."

To say that Y/n was shocked would be an understatement.

She is J-Jade's sister? And what hell is she talking about? Y/n thought.

What she didn't know was Miha went through something she would have never even thought of.

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