8: The farmhouse

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"We first need to go to the place where Miha was kept. You said Ahyeon mentioned the place?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes! It was some farmhouse in Gwangju which is owned by Jade's parents I guess." Y/n replied.

"Then we must head there without wasting time. I'm sure we can find some traces or maybe a clue?" Taehyung proposed.

"But wouldn't it be a bit dangerous for us to do so? I mean as you had mentioned before, Jade has connections with the Yakuzas. What if we run into trouble?" Y/n asked, sceptically.

"It is dangerous, and I know that. But do you think we got any other way? In my opinion, this is the only way to gather solid proof against Jade since he won't open his fucking mouth." Taehyung replied.

"Let's do it then! I'm ready to risk it all for Miha." Y/n said, while remembering her best friend.

I'll do anything it takes to bring justice to you Miha. Even if it costs the fortune of my safety. Y/n thought.

"Do you know where his farmhouse in Gwangju is?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes. Ahyeon mentioned it was the only lavish farmhouse in the secluded area of Gwangju, as Jade thought no one would get to know about his doings if he did it there." Y/n replied.

"Alright then! Let's not waste time. I'll bring my car out and then we can head towards his farmhouse." Taehyung said.

"But Sunbae, I'm still sceptical about involving you in this. I mean you're one of the most important people in the country and your life matters a lot. Besides, you don't really have a reason to risk your life for this." Y/n said, trying to change Taehyung's mind.

"And your life doesn't matter right? I don't understand how your wealth and status decides how 'important' you are. Besides, I'm ready to risk it all for some strange reason that even I can't fathom." Taehyung replied.

"Fine then! Let's go." Y/n said.

In the car:

The boy and the girl were sitting in the car, looking at the signal which had turned red a while ago.

"Are you still worried?" Taehyung asked.

"Not anymore I guess." Y/n said with a reassuring smile, but nervousness was obvious in her voice.

"Calm down okay? Everything is gonna be fine!" Taehyung said and kissed her forehead.

It took him a few seconds to realise what he had done after seeing Y/n's red face, and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink as well.

Great Kim Taehyung! Your brain is really in the gutter these days. Why do you act without thinking about the consequences? And why the fuck are you blushing?!! Taehyung thought and hit himself in the head.

I found it cute that day, but now I'm seriously considering if he needs some kind of help. Y/n thought and chuckled.

The signal turned green again and Taehyung started the car, heading towards the farmhouse.

At the farmhouse:

"Looks like there's no one here! I don't see a single living organism." Y/n whispered.

"Don't let your guards down Y/n! It might be that they're hiding or something." Taehyung replied.

They continued to move inside and there was literally no trace of any human being.

The floors were neatly cleaned and polished and the walls were painted new as if somebody had done it recently. There was no trace of any dead body or any foul smell which might come from the rotten body.

"Looks like they already did their assignment of disposing the body." Taehyung said.

"It might be that the body is somewhere else?" Y/n said.

"Let's divide and check the whole farmhouse. Just be careful and hide if you see any people." Taehyung said.

Y/n nodded her head and replied, "You too."

They then splitted and went ahead.

Taehyung checked the other rooms while Y/n wandered in the backyard but they couldn't find anything suspicious.

They came back to the place where they originally were.

"I didn't find anything." Y/n said.

"Neither did I." Taehyung replied.

They decided to leave the place but suddenly Y/n's mind thought of something.
"We didn't check the basement right?" Y/n asked.

Taehyung widened his eyes and replied, "How could we forget that place!"

They then headed towards the basement but to their disappointment, that area was cleaned as well.

"Guess our visit to this farmhouse wasn't fruitful." Y/n said on the verge of tears.
"What are going to do now?" She asked painfully.

"Or maybe not." Taehyung said, a slight smirk forming on his face.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You said that Ahyeon recorded the sins that the monsters did?" Taehyung asked.

Y/n nodded her head.

Taehyung then pointed towards the camera that was thrown near an old table, as if dropped in a hurry.

They checked the footage, and it was indeed Ahyeon's camera.

Both Y/n's and Taehyung's eyes hung low with the trace of tears in their eyes after seeing the brutal footage. Y/n felt an undeniable pain in her heart and she couldn't take it anymore. She bursted into tears while Taehyung hugged her.

"Don't cry sweetheart! We'll surely give Miha the justice she deserves, because this time, we have a solid proof." Taehyung said with determination.

"You're right! Those monsters will rot in hell." Y/n replied with loathe laced in her voice.

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