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"JOEL!" NOAH HISSED ONCE MORE, having tried to get his attention for the past couple minutes

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"JOEL!" NOAH HISSED ONCE MORE, having tried to get his attention for the past couple minutes. She couldn’t have the gun’s barrel on the back of her head any longer, it was sending shivers down her neck and making her blood freeze in her veins. She noticed that he had been sleeping on his left side since the pun incident, which meant his right ear was the only one which was properly listening — the one that she knew couldn’t hear well.

It seemed her last call of his name was enough to wake him up, as Joel jolted out of his sleep, his eyes snapping open just as Noah’s had done. He sat up quickly, immediately seeing the guns on Noah and Ellie’s head, but the gun on Noah's head moved to him as he leant up. Joel stared at the young boy, eyes wide as he realized what had happened.

“Eyes on me,” the older boy who had his gun on Ellie instructed Joel, making both Noah and him look back over at him. “Eyes on me. You don’t have to worry about what to say. We don’t want to hurt you. We wanna help you.”

“Then don’t point a gun at us, asshole,” Noah seethed, her teeth gritted. She felt the light tap on the back of her head as the pistol was back on her head.

“Noah,” Joel whispered, and he shook his head subtly. Noah breathed deeply, but let him take the lead. He looked back over at the older boy. “Okay.”

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