i. prologue

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after Michael lost to vettel, him and his brother went out of town and met the other met at sky Valley . He raced with jin to get that fired up when he first raced, a few days later Michael went out for a walk and he bumping into someone.

Michael:ah! Sorry sir.

??????:Eh? Michael?

Michael:huh? Vettel!?

Vettel:oh? So your back on town huh.

Michael:yeah and I won't give up that Easily.

Vettel:your lucky that I am in a good mood.


Vettel:hehe. he chuckle 'why is he so cute' listen sweetie i-

Michael:did you just call me sweetie?

Vettel:and what if I did, Mmm?

Michael was gonna answer vettel until his phone was ringing, he looks at it and it was his little brother robin.

Vettel:you should answer that.

Michael:shut up.

Vettel:okay, here. Handed him a paper
I'll be going then, call me.
And his was gone.

Michael:what... Whatever. Answer the phone to hear his brother yell in his ear.



Robin:oh good you pick up.

Michael:what the fuck Robin.

Robin:where are you?

Michael:I'm going home.

Robin:oh okay well hurry up I'm hungry.

Michael:can't you cook?

Robin:remember last time I try to cook.

Michael:oh, ok I'm coming home.

Michael hung up and walk faster to his. house when he got there he unlocked the door and got in and close the door.

Robin:hey Michael.

Michael:hey, I gonna take a shower.

Robin when your done, you'll start making dinner right?

Michael:yes of course.

Michael walk up the stair to his room. he got to his room and open the door got in and close the door behind he to see his monkart partner leo sleeping.

Michael:hey leo sorry if I took to long.
Padded leo's head and leo started to wake up

Michael:eh sorry if I woke you up.

Leo just smile at Michael.

Michael:I'm gonna take a shower.

Then Michael remember something that Vettel gave he.

Michael:'I wonder what it is. He open the note and some number 'call me? Wait.... he gave me his phone number!?'

Michael:I'll just do it after dinner, I need to take a shower.

After taking a shower Michael started to make dinner.

✧༺time skip༻✧

Michael put Vettel phone number and start to talk to vettel.


Hello is this Vettel?

Yes it is, Is this Michael?

Yes this Michael.

Wow I didn't think you would actually texted me.

Don't make me regret it.

Ok ok sorry

They talk to each other for a good minute and then say bye to each other.


That will be all for today. Wow I sounds like a teacher.
I hope you enjoy reading this book, that means a lot to me.
And if you can vote this book thank you.

Happy reading

Words count 466

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