vii. confronted him

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(Jin P.O.V)

The next morning, Laura and Sena went to the white brother' house I still couldn't believe it, how could Michael be friends with Vettel, Vettel is our enemy, has Michael been seeing Vettel!?
No way, all of was standing in front of the door I knocked on the door and Robin opened the door.

Robin: Oh hey guys, why are you guys here?

Jin:Robin can we come i,n please?

Robin: Sure.

Robin lets us in and I have to say the inside Was beautiful and organised Wait I getting off-topic Michael is a traitor All of us sit down in the living room and Robin gets us some snacks.

Robin: So why are you guys here?

Sena:is about Michael.

Robin: Oh if it's about Michael I can wake him up.

Sir joke: We just want to talk to you, Robin.

Robin: Oh okay.

Laura: We all saw Michael..... Yesterday

Robin: Oh yeah you followed him yesterday well, did you find anything?

Sena: Well yes but...... We saw him with someone.....

Robin: Really with whom?

Laura: We saw him with-


Sir joke:Jin lower your voice Michael might hear.

Jin: Who cares about Michael he is a traitor!

Robin: Wait you saw him with Vettel?

Jin: Yes!

??????: What is going on here?

Everyone in the room when silent, everyone looked over where the sound was and there was Michael with his arms crossed looked all sassy and had a calm look on his face.

Michael: Like I said what is going on here?
Michael said raising an eyebrow.

Sena: Michael! How long have you been there?

Michael:I just got downstairs, so gonna explain what is going on here?

Jin:NO! You have to explain why are you seeing Vettel!

Michael: Maybe is because he is my friend.

Laura: Wait your friends, Vettel is your friend!

Michael: Yes? If we weren't why would we hang out? Heck, I even have his phone number.

Jin: What! You have his phone number!?

Michael:yes and if you're fucked done, then I'll leave.

And just like that Michael just left, Robin is probably thinking about some stuff, wait Robin hasn't been talking. I looked at Robin and he was quietly laughing?!

Jin: Robin why are you laughing?!

Then everyone looks at Robin.

Laura: Robin why you laughed your brother is a traitor.

Robin: Oh no, I already knew that.

Everyone expects Robin:WHAT!?

Robin: Yeah, just this morning he told me.


Robin: Hey Michael.

Michael: Yes?

Robin: Are you seeing Vettel?

Michael: Ahhh why do you ask?

Robin: Because Vettel just texted you.

Michael: Okay yes I have been seeing Vettel.


Michael:wait let me explain.

After Michael explained everything.

Robin: Ohhhhh okay.

And there was a knock on the door.

Michael:I think that's the other, I'm gonna stay upstairs.

Robin: Oh okay.

End of flashback.

Jin: Oh.

Robin: Yeah can guys like leave?

Sena: Have you kicked us out?

Robin:what no just get out I am very busy.

Sena: Oh okay.

And just like that, we were out.


Hello everyone
I don't have much to say
I hope you enjoy this book

Happy reading

Word count 495

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