iv. they are following us huh?

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(Vettel P.O.V)

We walk for a few minute in silence until I spoken first.

Vettel:so how have you been?

Michael:huh? Oh I guess I'm good, you?

Vettel:I suppose i'm good. I said, I looked over to Michael he was a little short and that soft, fluffy hair I just want pet his head but he'll probably be mad.

Michael:hey vettel. He look at me

Vettel:yeah? I answer

Michael:can we get some ice cream please.

Vettel:oh sure we can come on. We went to the ice cream shop


??????:where are they going?

??????:Jin lower your voice, they might hear you.

Jin:well I'm sorry Laura but maybe it's because I'm worried for my best friend.

Sena:guys they're getting away.


Jin:we have to follow them!

Back to Vettel&Michael

Vettel:what do you want I'll pay.

Michael:ah you don't have to pay Vettel.

Vettel:no, no is fine I want to pay.

Michael:i- fine I'll get mint chocolate chip
Ice cream.

Vettel:one mint chocolate chip ice cream okay got it.

With the other

Jin:Vettel just left let's confronted Michael.

Laura:what why?

Jin:to ask why is he with vettel.

Laura:it will be obvious that we followed him.

Jin:oh right.

Sena:let's just wait and if Vettel is doing something bad, we can stop him.

Jin:wow your so smart Sena.

Sena:eh is nothing. (≡^∇^≡)

Laura:hey if you lovebird are done, Vettel just got back and he has ice cream?

Jin:huh really?


With Vettel&Michael

(Three Person P.O.V)

Vettel was walking back to Michael with two ice cream.


Michael:oh thank you Vettel. Michael said were smile, Vettel face was a light pink

Vettel:ahem your welcome.

Michael:hey Vettel should we tell my friends that they not so good at hiding.

Vettel:what do you mean?

Michael:they're hiding over by the bush over there. Michael pointed at the bush.

Vettel:nahh, how about we go race.

Michael:oh your on! but how about we finish this ice cream first.

Vettel:sure but I won't go easy on you.

Michael:like I'll go easy on you.

✧༺time skip༻✧

After the race(Michael won)both of them sit on the bench and they were pretty close to, they were just talking about something.

With the other

Jin:wait why can't Robin come, again?

Laura:because he didn't want any problem with Michael.

Jin:ohhhh okay,

Laura:why are they so close together.

Jin:why are you jealous?

Laura:what of course not!?

Jin:sure whatever.

Sena:oh my god they look like they about to kiss!


Vettel and Michael look like they were about the kiss, until..............

Hallo everyone
Next week school starts
So on the weekend maybe
I'll post please vote

Happy reading

Words count 437

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