iii. hanging out

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(Vettel P.O.V)

'I haven't talk to Michael in a while I wonder what he's doing' my thoughts was interrupted when a guard walk in.

Guard:Vettel, Lord destro is called for you.
He bow down

Vettel:tell him I'll be there in a few minutes.

Guard:yes Vettel.

'What does he want?

✧༺time skip༻✧

I got to the door and open it, to see the devil himself
Vettel:you call me destro?

Destro:ah yes come here.

Vettel:okay... I got closed and see a odd orbit 'Huh what does he want'

Destro:do you see who is the orbit showed.

The longer I look at it I finally see who it is...... Michael his was talking to his friends about something.

Vettel:yeah, so what about it?

Aobes:I want you to bring her to me.

Vettel:her? But Michael is a boy.

Destro:there is something off about them
Just bring them here.

Vettel:fine.'why do they want Michael? I'm gonna text him or her?


Hey Micha

Did you just call Micha?

Yeah I did and are you gonna do huh?

I just, just shut up.

Anyway are you busy?

No, why?

Oh nothing I just want to ask

if you want to hang out

Oh sure I guess we can hang out

Okay great, I'll pick you up in one hour



Okay, see you in one hour

(Micheal P.O.V)

'Huh suddenly Vettel want to hang out weird but okay' I start to walk back in to the shop.

Jin:hey Michael, what was business?

Everyone was looking at me 'oh god they can't know that I see Vettel they'll be so mad'

Sena:Michael are you okay?

Michael:huh? Oh yeah I'm alright Sena.

Sena:are you sure?

Michael:yes I am fine, hey guys I gotta go, oh and Robin there is leftover in the fridge if your Hungry


✧༺time skip༻✧

I got and I looked in the mirror damn I look good.

What Michael was wearing:

Then the doorbell rings that must be Vettel I when downstairs and open the door to see Vettel all dress up in all black

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Then the doorbell rings that must be Vettel I when downstairs and open the door to see Vettel all dress up in all black

What Vettel was wearing:

'Damn is his emo or something?'and leo was ready to attack Vettel

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'Damn is his emo or something?'and leo was ready to attack Vettel.

Michael:wait leo his not gonna hurt me, sorry Vettel he is still mad when we lost to you

Vettel:no worries even I would be mad if I lost, are you ready?

Michael:yup what does it look like?

Vettel:why are you so sassy.

Michael:why are you so evil huh?

Vettel:i- nevermind.

Michael:that's what I thought

Hello everyone

I hope your enjoy this book
And please vote that mean
so much to me.

Happy reading💙🤍💚🖤

Words count 452

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