ii. i think kill someone......

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(Michael's P.O.V)

When I woke up I took a shower got dress, I was going for a walk wait didn't I when for a walk yesterday Ehhhhhh whatever

What Michael was wearing.

I when down stairs and see my little brother

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I when down stairs and see my little brother.

Robin:oh hey Michael where you going?

Michael:oh i'm was just going for a walk.

Robin:but you-

Robin was gonna say something but I cut he off by slamming the front door.

Michael:okay let's go for a walk.

✧༺time skip༻✧

After a few minutes of walk, I feel like someone is following me, maybe is Vettel Pulling a prank.
I kept on walking until I realize I was in alleyway.

Creepy old man:hey, hey what a pretty boy doing here in.

Michael:huh? I am sorry but I don't know who you are.

Creepy old man:oh come on let's have some fun.

Michael:can you just leave me alone.

Creepy old man:but your so pretty come on let's go to my house.

Michael:no means no, what part of no do you not understand.
I said and started to walk a away from the old man, until he grab my hand and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream, my eyes widen and looked at him and his head exploded and blood was
everywhere his dead body start to let go of me and i started to run home.
I open the door got in and close the door
Robin wasn't home, he was visited laura's
Dad shop, so I was home alone I when to my room and took a bath, after I took a bath I wash my clothes and then I when to bed.

Hello everyone
Sorry if it was short I was to lazy 🙃
And if I did somethings wrong please tell me

Happy reading (≡^∇^≡)

Words count 301

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