xi. asking to racer against her

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(Jin P.O.V)

My friends and I went to a cafe to get some fresh air and so we could discuss Michael. We all order our food and start to talk about Michael.

Jin: So what should we do about Michael?

Beth:I'm not sure what to do.

Sir joke:I still can't believe that Auobssy is Michael's father!

All of us talked about Michael for a few minutes and our food came we ate our food and talked and talked until two people familiar walked into the cafe.

Jin: Hey guys don't they look familiar?

Laura:huh, where?

Jin: Over there.

Everyone look at where I was pointing and saw a girl and guy sitting, it looked like they were hanging out, the girl have long brown hair and was wearing a very cool outfit and some sick ass blue glasses their back was turned so we couldn't see what there faces look like but the guy I think I know who that is, he had black hair and at the tip of the hair was red and yup I guess right it was Vettel the one who Michael lost to and now Michael is evil which I still can't believe.

Beth: Guys...... That's Michael and Vettel.

Laura: Wait really!?

Jin: Yeah it's them! How dare they show their face here, Let's go and knock some sense into Michael.

Sena: Wait let's not do that, How about we spy on them so that we can know what their next move is?

Jin: Wow, ur so smart Sena.

Sena: Oh thank you Jin.

Laura: Wai...

The other:what's wrong?

Laura:if aobes have magical powers then does that mean Michael has magical powers?

Louis: What do you mean?

Laura:I mean if aobes is Michael's father then shouldn't Michael have magical powers? I mean aobes has magical powers so maybe Tichael also has magical powers.

Beth: That does make sense.

Sir joke: Yeah it does make sense.


(Michelle P.O.V)

I could hear them talking about me but I didn't care and continued talking to Vettel.
They were talking about if I had magical powers or not and I got a little annoyed and said to Vettel.

Michelle: Hey Vettel.

Vettel: Yes honey?

And I could feel my face turning red at the nickname he called me.

Michelle: I- Vettel I told you not to call that!

Vettel: Oh come honey.

He kept teasing me until I finally got up and let him call me that.

Michelle:*sigh* fine whatever anyways can we go back to the castle, please.

Vettel: Why?

Michelle:I don't know it's just I kinda want to watch a movie with you and Robin.

Vettel: Like a movie night?

Michelle: Yeah like a movie night.

Vettel: Sure that sounds like a good idea, You wait outside I'm gonna go pay in a second.

Michelle: Alright sure.

And then both of us got up and I walked out of the cafe while Vettel went to pay. I stood for a couple of minutes until I felt someone grab my arm, I looked at the person and saw it was... JIN!? Oh right, he was in the cafe as well.

Michelle:what the hey let go damn it.

I said annoyed by it and shot a glare at him the other a.k.a sena, laura, Sir Joke, Louis etc. They were shocked to see how annoyed I was and Jin let go of my arm and backed away.

Sena:Michael why did you join Destro?

Michelle: Huh? Oh you mean why am I hanging out with Vettel right?


Michelle: Well first I didn't join destro second I go by Michelle now third I'm the daughter of Auodssy, shocking isn't it?

They all look so shocked and angry, Hah the look on their faces.

Jin:argh that's it I'm sick of it.

Michelle: Huh?

I looked over at Jin and so did the other.

Jin:I decide that I going to race you, Michael or Michelle!

All of us even me was shocked but then I chuckled and said.

Michelle: Alright but if I win you will leave me and Vettel alone and go in public and say that you all are chicken.

Jin: Alright but if I win then you will stop being evil!

Michelle:sure but I'll have you know you're going to regret that and remember that I will beat your ass.

I said with pure venom in my voice while glaring at them. Just as I was about to punch Jin I felt a hand wrap around my waist and pull back, I looked at the person and saw it was Vettel.

Michelle:Vettel! Hey, put me down.

He lifted me onto his shoulder and kept me there.

Vettel:alright since we're done here we'll be going now bye bye.

And just like that, he turned around and walked away just like that, when he turned around I stuck my middle finger at the other and glared implying that if they said anything I would cut off their tongue.

Vettel:Michelle I know you're pointing the middle finger at them!

Then I quickly put down my hand and used both my hands so I wouldn't fall from Vettel's shoulder but still kept my glare at them.


That will be all for today. Wow I sound like a teacher anyway I hope you enjoy reading this book, that means a lot to me.
And if you can vote for this book thank you.

Happy reading

Words count 885

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