vi. what did she look like

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(Michael P.O.V)

I don't understand anything right now,
Aobes said I look like the falling angels a.k.a his daughter I don't how to Process this all.

Michael:wait but how am I your daughter.

Aobes:you don't need to believe me yet I still don't think is possible, but I gonna see maybe or maybe not if you're not my daughter.

Vettel:maybe you two could do a DNA test?

Michael:Mmm that is a good idea. Sure we can do that.

Destro:fine you two go do that.

Michael:wait just to be sure that you are not gonna kill me, what did your daughter look like?

Aobes:my daughter, oh she beautiful blue eyes and her long soft brown hair she got that for her mother and she always wears a crescent moon shape hair pin she got as a gift from her sister.

Michael:a crescent moon pin........

Vettel:is something wrong Michael?

Michael:huh? Oh yeah i'm fine I just remember something, do you have a picture of her?

Aobes:yes of course I do.

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Vettel:now that I see it, Michael you do look like her

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Vettel:now that I see it, Michael you do look like her.

Michael:but how I'm a boy.

Vettel:but if you're a female you look like her.

Michael:I give up maybe I am your daughter, Wait where do babies come for?

Vettel:Aaaaaa y-you don't know?


Vettel:that will be for a another day.


✧༺time skip༻✧
(Three person P.O.V)

After the DNA test everyone was waiting
For the result. It was getting late and Michael had to leave because he Though his brother would be worried. Michael was in front of the door and open it and it was quiet his brother probably a sleep
He just when to his room and took a bath and got dressed until he thought'i wonder how is tomorrow gonna be' and when to sleep.


Hello everyone
I hope your enjoy
This book and please
Vote sorry if was short
If something is wrong
Please tell me.

Happy reading

Words count 326

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