ix. Weird things are happening.......

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(Michael P.O.V)

When robin got here vettel show me and robin rooms and left us in our room I took out my clothes of my bag and went to the bathroom and changed my clothes to something more comfortable.

What Michael was wearing:

After I put on the clothing, my head started to hurt like hell I clutch my forehead hoping it would stop the headache but it got worse than before I noticed something in the mirror

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After I put on the clothing, my head started to hurt like hell I clutch my forehead hoping it would stop the headache but it got worse than before I noticed something in the mirror. There was a eye on my forehead it was white like pure white(I don't have any photo of the eye so you can just imagine it)I almost scream until it disappear, I was confused.

Michael:what just happened? I ask myself in confused, I zoom out for a few minutes until Robin knock on the bathroom door.

Robin:Michael is everything okay in there? You've been in there for hours you okay? Robin ask.

I panic and said.

Michael:yes Robin I perfectly fine aha.

Robin:alright, but if anything is wrong you can tell me alright?

Michael:yeah okay robin.

What just happened there was a eye on my forehead and then it disappear. Maybe I should ask 'my dad' maybe he know what that was. I went out of bathroom and saw robin walk in with a plate of food and give it to me and said.

Robin:here Michael, some food to eat vettel said to give it to you.

Michael:oh thanks I guess. I said and I felt something on the bottom of the plate it was a note from vattel

Hey Mika
I got you some food I sent
Robin to give it to you
I hope you enjoy the food

From vettel

Vettel, wow that sweet of him. I ate the food and The guard took it and said they would wash it for me, wow is that how  royalty feel like huh maybe being a  princess not so bad I wonder why sena hate being a princess oh right destro wanted to marry her so he can take the throne. Yeah I found out that sena is the princess of the carmon kingdom I found out that a couple week ago. Now what should I do, I didn't have much to do robin was asleep, wait what time is it now. I look at the clock and see, 11:30!? Holy crap maybe I should go to sleep, I shut off the lights and went to bed and went to sleep.


Hello everyone
I am so sorry that I haven't been
Posted I was busy with family
member and School work
Again I will try to post
More, my teacher give me
a All of work.
I hope you enjoy this chapter
And enjoying the book

Happy reading☺

Words count 463

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