viii. !?!?your my father!?!?

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(Michael P.O.V)

I finally left my house and I made my way back to the castle,

Guard:ah lady Michelle come in!

the Guard let me in and guide me to the throne room 'wait why are the guard guides me usually they don't but now, wait did they just called me lady Michelle?....... Oh no no no no don't tell' and then I started to run to the throne room open the doors and run in too
See them in looking at me like I'm crazy.

Vettel:Michael calm down.

Michael:explain! why did the guard just called me "lady Michelle" huh!

Vettel:wait what! Really?

Michael:yeah! Wait isn't Michelle is the name of the felling angel, Why did they call me that?

Aobes:it's because you are Michelle.


Aobes:yes, now can you two not scream, I think the whole castle heard you two screaming.

Micheal:ah right hehe, anyway what are we gonna do now.

Vettel:what do you mean?

Micheal:I mean like, Do I get cool weapons or some sort of power or something? Do I get wings and a halo.

Aobes:something like that, Yes you do get wing and a halo.

Micheal:oh, well damn.

Vettel:why do I feel scared knowing that you will be getting a weapon.

Micheal:*gasp* how dare you to think I am irresponsible for a weapon.


Micheal:okay maybe am a little irresponsible but jin is way more un irresponsible.

Vettel:true, but I still don't think that you irresponsible.

Micheal:I hate you!

Vettel:love you too.



Micheal:•-• nevermind, anyways can I stay here for a few days.


Michael:because the others are mad at me.

Aobes:why is your friend mad at you?

Michael:because they found out that I have been seeing vettel.

Aobes:sure I guess you can stay here.

Michael:you sure destro won't mind?

Destro:it's fine but only because you are aobes daughter.

Michael:thanks I guess.

Destro:your welcome.

✧༺time skip✧༻✧
(Robin P.O.V)

I was just sitting in my room until my phone rang. It was Michael.

.・。.・° ✭・my brother・✫・゜・。.

My brother
Hey robin.

Yes? Do you need something Michael?

My brother
No, I don't need anything
I just want to say that
I gonna stay At the castle.

Oh sure,but can I stay there too?

My brother
Sure I don't see why not.


My brother
Oh and can you bring
some clothes.

Okey dokey.

After that I when to pack my bag and bring some clothes for Michael.


Hello everyone
I am sorry that I haven't
being posted it because
I have school and I have been
Busy. I will try posting on the
weekend and again I am so sorry
And if something wrong please tell me
Thank you.

Happy reading(≡^∇^≡)

Words count 455

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