x. finding out

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(Louis P.O.V)

Jin told the rest of us what happened at Michael and robin house. and all of us was upset, angry and shock especially me, michael was my idol he was my inspiration, how could he be evil.

Beth:that doesn't make sense.

Sena:what do you Beth?

Beth:Michael wouldn't just go evil all of sudden, if Michael turn evil, there has to be a reason.

Louis:like what kind of reason?

Beth:like, there something or someone that Micheal know but don't want us to know.

Kuby:oh yeah like a secret!

Jin:or maybe Michael has a secret girlfriend! Or maybe a boyfriend?

Rydin:or Michael is dating vettel!


Laura:no way Michael is dating vettel?!

Sir joke:that could be a explanation maybe Michael is dating vettel.

Jin:we should go and spy on them.

Sena:huh jin I don't think that is a good idea.

Jin:why not, if find out why Michael became evil then we can expose him!

Louis:and how would we do that?

Jin:I put a tracking device on Michael hehe.

Laura:what! How did you do that?

Jin:I don't know, I don't remember.

Laura:i- nevermind let's go and see what Michael is doing.

✧༺time skip༻✧

(Three person P.O.V)

Jin, sena, laura and sir joke went to spy on Michael, they were hidden behind a bush.

Laura:where is Michael now?

Sir joke:it saying that Michael is just about to walk through those gate.

And like sir joke said that Michael walk through the gate but something was off,
Michael had long hair almost like a girl, his face was girlie His eyelashes were longer. As if he was a female.

Jin:is it just me or does Michael looks like a girl?

Laura:no, your not the only one who see Michael as a girl.

Sena:I wonder who that is?

All three of them fell and Laura said to sena.

Laura:sena that is Michael.

Sena:really! I didn't notice.

Jin:wow even Michael outfit is like a girl.

What Michael was wearing:

What Michael was wearing:

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Sena:wait, is that............

Jin:that's aobes!?

Laura:come on let's try to get close so we can hear them.

All four of them was trying to get close to aobes and Michael and hear them talking to each other.

Aobes:Michelle come over here and look at these flowers aren't them beautiful.

Jin:'Michelle? But his name is Michael'

Michelle:yeah your right dad there are beautiful.

Aobes took a blue flower and put it in Michelle hair and Michelle smile, aobes gaze softened.

Laura:wait did Michael just call aobes dad?

Sir joke:your right Michael just call aobes dad.

Sena:I didn't know that aobes has children.

Michelle:thanks dad we should do this sometimes.

Aobes:yeah I like that.

Sena:Oh my god we should get go.

Jin:yeah we should tell the other!

Michelle:huh? Hey dad did you hear that?

Aobes:hear what?

Michelle:nothing probably my imagination.

Sir joke:phew that was close.

Jin:yeah we should probably get go to.

✧༺time skip༻✧
When all four of them got back everyone ask them what happen and Jin explain everything.

Louis:what happen Jin.

Jin:well........ First Michael isn't a boy.

Rydin:wait what, so your telling me Michael is a girl!?


Louis:wait, is Michael dating vettel?

Jin:I'm not sure if Michael is dating vettel.

Beth:well then, did you at least found out
Why Michael turn evil?

Jin:about that....... We saw and heard Michael call aobes dad.

All except the four:WHAT!?

Hello everyone

I don't have anything
To tell you guys so
I hope you guys
Enjoy reading this

Happy reading

Words count 577

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