v. meeting the devil

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(Three person P.O.V)

Michael and vettel almost kiss until...........
Michael slash water in vettel face, 'i should probably be run now huh' Michael thought. and by that Michael start to run and vettel chase him and finally vettel got to Michael and pin him down his was looking down at Michael.

(Vettel P.O.V)

I knew that Michael has blue eyes but I didn't think that they were beautiful.
Now I know why people mistake Michael as a female that long eyelash, soft lips and a cute face, god I think I'm gonna have a nose bleed.

Michael:ahem a- Vettel can you let me go or get off of me please.

Vettel:oh right sorry Michael.

Michael:is fine.

'Bring them to me' oh right destro want me to bring Michael to him I gotta do something.

Vettel:hey Michael.


Vettel:is kind of getting dark wanna go to my house?

Michael:don't you live in the castle with destro won't he be mad?

Vettel:nahhh, he doesn't give a shit about anything.

Michael:are you sure?

Vettel:yes come on I promise you won't get hurt.

Michael:you promise

Vettel:yes I promise.

Michael:okay but if I get hurt I gonna beat you ass.

Vettel:okay, okay come on let's go.

With the other.

Sena:guys it's look like they going to the castle.

Laura:wait how do you know that?

Sena:I got a feeling.

Jin:ok let's follow them.

✧༺time skip༻✧

Sena:they're going to the castle

Jin:wow they going through the front gate.

Laura:I guess that Michael is allowed in.

Sena:guys is getting pretty late why don't we confronted Michael tomorrow.

Jin:fine, but when Michael got back I gonna give him a piece of my mind.

With Vettel&Michael

They were in Vettel room.

Michael:wow this is your room?

Vettel:yup, hey Michael.


Vettel:can you follow me.

Michael:Eh sure.

Vettel:okay come on let's go

(Three person P.O.V)

They walk to a door and Vettel open the door and walk in Michael follow behind to see destro and aobes, Michael froze 'wait is this a trap did Vettel plan this or something i'm going to die!'

Destro:Hallo Michael.

Michael:what is going on I'm die!?

Destro:what no of course not I only want to meet you.

Michael:but why?

Aobes:because, do you know about the legend the has be all over town?

Michael:the legend about a falling angels who exhausted her strength and her form became a small child?

Aobes:yes that one and you look a all like

Michael:how do you know what she looks like?

Aobes:because.... She was my daughter.



Hallo everyone
I know I got that from tiktok
And I make that Michael
was aobes daughter and if
You don't like it then you can leave.
Wait does vettel live in the castle or a normal house

Happy reading

Words count 451

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