five. petty.

13 7 5


It's been a long day and it's time for me to head to the gym. Haven't been in a while anyway. I pulled up to the gym and walked in there like I do this shit everyday, knowing I haven't been in a minute. It's 7:15 so ain't nobody really here for real and that's how I like it.

My favorite thing to do it get on the treadmill. Can't go wrong with that! I put in my EarPods and listened to my music and began to power walk. So relaxing.


"You about to leave?" I asked Dylan. Dylan was a guy I just seen around the gym and we just started talking.

"Yeah. I'm bout to get outta here. I'm tired and hungry," he laughed.

"I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah, I'll catch you later, bro,"


I was gonna stay a bit longer. I do love a half empty gym if it's not all the way empty. Working out relives my stress levels so much. Walking out, I see like 5 different people. It was four but the woman on the treadmill must have just got here. I think imma do those next. I could walk for a little bit. As I got closer and closer, the more she looked familiar. Hm.



I was in my mood but I felt like someone was talking. I turned around it was Craig.

"Craig, hey!" I stopped the machine and went to hug him.

"Hey, what you doing here at this time?"

"Just don't like crowded gyms, that's all,"

"I feel you on that one,"

"But look at you. You look amazing. Can I feel your arms?"

"Go ahead,"

"Oh my gosh! I could do this all day. Like seriously. I remember you used to be so small,"

"Yeah. But I had to change that," he laughed.

"I'm trynna get some abs. I got a lil bit as you can see," I said, raising my shirt up.

"Aye you almost there. But you no where near me though," he said, also raising his shirt up.

"Not you trynna compete," I laughed. "I'm just here to get back in the gym. I haven't been in a while,"

"I was gone stay for a little bit longer but, you're here and I kind of don't wanna be awkward and just go back to my side of the building,"

"Oh, so you wanna get out somewhere?" I asked.

"Yeah if it's okay with you?"

"Oh hell yeah. We can go now,"

"Okay, where u wanna go,"

"This may be so backwards, but I wanna go to the McDonalds down the street,"

"Alright then let's go,"

I'll just come back another time—laughing out loud.


I cannot wait until this song is finished. We have a lil bit more to go and then we have ourselves a hit. I really like Ruby. She's hella cool. She's goofy, funny, full of humor, smart, creative...she's everything. But I'm not sure if her and Craig are becoming close again. So apart of me wants to pursue her all the way and the other part is like I'm not sure. But either way, I need her. From the moment she came to the studio, she was so perfect. We hit it off pretty good this morning so I know it'll work out. I'm sure of it. I previewed the song to Sean and he said he fucked with it. He also asked who produced the song. I didn't reply yet because I was too caught up.

I need to call Ruby and see when she's comfortable coming back to finish it. I don't wanna pressure her.

(Bryson called but Ruby did not answer. Bryson texted her and asked her what was she up too and when would she be able to come by. She said she was with Craig and she will be back tomorrow afternoon.)

She's with Craig? I just saw her this morning and we were perfectly fine. Well maybe they're just having a friendly conversation. I need more context.

Bryson: okay cool. What ya doing?

Ruby: oh we're at the gym together but now we at McDonald's chilling lol

Bryson: oh okay ✅

So you chilled with me today and now you're with my brother? Bro does she still like Craig? Yo what the hell?

In the middle of me having a fit, Sean called.

"Yo," I said.

"Yo, my man! The song is amazing! Yo who produced that?"

"...I did,"

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