thirteen. Merry Christmas

13 6 3

December 25, 2021

*ya I'm kind of gonna rush through this because i wanna get to the big plot now and then slip to the next year. Next will be Craig's birthday and then we will then get started on 2022*


Me and Ruby have not spoken a word to each other since that night. I think it's for the best. I finally got her to confess and she did. Why did I kiss her? I did it because I was feeling the same way and I just...I don't know I just let my frustration out that way. That made me feel better. I didn't tell Dee what happened and I don't know if she knows what happened. Ruby and Bryson have been closer than ever though and that's good. She won't be focusing on me and Dee anymore! Anyway, today is Christmas and tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be 25...five years from 30. Me, Milo, Dee, and my family are spending it together. Bryson will be with Ruby's family this year. As for me and Bryson, we still cool he's just been with Sean for a minute because they have a couple songs they working on. Im done with the songs I've produced for Bryson so I'm all good. The next thing is just waiting on the party and working on other stuff for other artists.

My stepmom was done with the food, but we won't eat it til later. Right now it's 6:00am. Everyone should be up in a minute. When I was a kid, I was up at like 12 midnight to open up my stuff! I was not playing no games when it came to them presents I was ready!

Dee was up all night playing the game and she feel asleep on the floor with the game still on. It was so funny by the way! I had to pick her up and put her in the bed.

 It was so funny by the way! I had to pick her up and put her in the bed

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I did snap a pic but Ian gone tell her all of that. She started to wake up.

"Bro, how did I get here?" She said, rubbing her eyes.

"I put you in here. You fell asleep on the floor playing the game,"

"Oh yeah! Oh my God! I fucking lost! Dammit! Shit! I have to do that all over again!"

"That's yo fault"

"Ugh! I was having so much fun! Imma get on it later though,"

"Are you ready for today?"

"Yeah. Did anyone get you anything?"

"I don't know. I got them something though,"

I heard Christmas music downstairs which means it's time to get up.


I haven't talked to Craig ever since we kissed that night. I don't even think I can face him after that. Especially since he's with Dee. I didn't tell Bryson and I'm not sure if Bryson knows either. I didn't tell Ray either because if I did, I would confirm what's he's been telling me. That I still have feelings for Craig. I hate my life right now. And then it doesn't help the fact that tomorrow is his birthday. Do I say something?

It was 7:00 and Bryson's family was already up eating and stuff. The kids are opening up all of their gifts and playing games. The adults had presents for others as well. I got Bryson something and he better have me something that's all I know about that!

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