seven. im proud of you.

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Can I really be upset though? She lost feelings for me and I lost feelings for her. But when we saw each other again I thought we might have had something. Telling Dee wouldn't have been good but you know. But she's a grown woman I can't tell her what to do. She could have told me though before we went out. I don't care if it was McDonalds, I wouldn't want my girl to be out with another guy at night. On the bright side, Dee's music had good criticism and I'm going by to see her.

I arrived at her house and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"


That does not sound like Dee. And it was not. It was another girl around 18.

"Are you here for Dee?"

"Yes I am,"

"Come in,"

"Thank you,"

"You must be Bryson's brother. I heard about you,"

"I am. And you are?"

"I'm Dee's half sister, Brandy,"

"Nice to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you too. Dee! Craig is here to see you!"

"I know that Brandy!" Dee yelled.

"We'll hurry up! Sorry she's taking so long,"

"It's okay,"

"Gosh, Brandy, I was coming. Why don't you go to your room or some shit?" Dee said.

"Oh I'm actually gonna stay down here. Im waiting on my friend to come and get me. Im staying at her house tonight,"

"Okay, be safe out there,"

"I will. I'll see you later,"

"Later. And call me when you get there,"

"Sure thing,"

Me and Dee walked to her room. Her house was really nice inside. It's not a mansion or anything but it's a big two story home.

"Alright, this is my room," Dee said.

"Alright, this is my room," Dee said

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"I like it,"

"Thank you. Kind of reminded me of cats with all the fur. I love cats,"

"Do you have one?"

"Not anymore. She was sick and she passed. Her name was Strawberry,"

"Im sorry to hear that,"

"Oh it cool,"

"I'm proud of what you did today. Everyone so far seems to love your music," I smiled.

"Yeah. I'm glad you guys believed in me. Leave it up to me, it would have still been the archives," she laughed.

"Who helped you with the sound?"

"Oh, I have a couple of friends who helped me. So grateful for them,"

"They doing a good job,"

"Yeah...uh, how about I turn on some music?"


*u can press play in the media box*

She dimmed the lights and came and sat next to me on the bed. She was picking at the fur on her pillow, making it obvious she was nervous.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I'm good. Just a lil shy that's all,"

"Why. It's just me here,"

"I'm always shy when it comes to new people. Especially cute ones,"

"Oh you think I'm cute?"

"I mean, yeah, but if you want me call you something else I mean—"

"Thank you. I appreciate it,"

"You're welcome. Uhm, so, what do you wanna do?"

"Well, I just really came to say I'm proud of you and see you for a minute. I didn't really have anything planned,"

"Wow. My mom didn't even care whether my music went far or not. But my friends have my back more than the woman who birthed me. Fuck her," she rolled her eyes.

"What happened?"

"I don't even wanna speak of her right now. Don't wanna summon any demons,"

"Yeah, great idea,"

"How is your relationship like with your parents?"

"It's good. I have a close relationship with them,"

"My dad left me when I was a kid. Brandy's dad is always around so I'm close with him. But as far as my mom? She can kick rocks. I don't know why she has something against me. Maybe because I like Brandy's dad more,"

"Did you tell her how you felt?"

"I've tried but she wanna continue to be a bitch about it so it's really whatever,"

"She doesn't hate you,"

"Well why the hell does she act like it?"

"That I can't answer,"

"Just fuck it," she rolled her eyes. "One day she will see. Im just gonna pray for her. She needs it anyway,"

"Just take a woo-sah,"

"Took plenty of those. Right now, I just wanna lay down. I was bout to go to sleep before you called,"

"You could have went to sleep,"

"Nah, I wanted to see you at the same time. I haven't had a guy come and visit me in months,"

"Well, I'm glad I came,"

She turned on some rain sounds on YouTube. Im guessing this helps her sleep. Im kind of tired too now that she mentions it.

"Im kind of tired too now that you mention it,"

"Right. I feel like an old lady going to bed at 9 o'clock," she giggled.

"Same. I've been with Bry all day,"

"Yeah you definitely need the sleep,"

"Yep. But imma catch up with you later,"

"Damn you're not gonna stay?"

"You want me to stay?"

"Yeah, I don't mind. You don't wanna ride when you're sleepy. That's actually not good for anybody. You can next to me. Im not gone do nothing strange,"


I took my shoes off and hopped in the bed with Dee. She was laying on her side facing me and I was laying on my back. Her bed is comfortable and perfect for sleeping. Before you know it, I was out.

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