Chapter One: A New Start (Edited)

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(3rd pov)

It all started with a bus heading toward the Advanced Naturing High School.

Many go there for the guaranteed one hundred percent employment and college entry rate.

A young man with long hair that was white as snow, haunting red eyes, and caramel skin was no different from most in that regard.

However, he also went there for another purpose, and that was to keep a promise.

'Promise me if you ever make it out alive, go to ANHS and show everyone what it really means to be the best but most importantly live the best life you can...'

And he would keep that promise no matter what lines he had to cross.


'Promise me. Promise me you won't be what they wanted you to be. Promise me...'

'I-I I'll t-try.'

But will I even try?

To win, one must either give up morals or time, sometimes even both.

And Im no different, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd give up the former.

Time is a limited thing, and I won't waste it. I just hope she'll forgive me for what I'm about to do to fulfill my promise.

"May I sit right here?" I heard a monotone feminine voice ask.

I snapped out of it and saw a beautiful girl with long brown hair and golden eyes.

I feel like there's something off about this girl.

Could she be similar to me?...

'A Monster?'

I'll have to keep an eye on her to find out.

"Yeah, go ahead," she nodded and sat down.

"Cool mask," she complimented after five minutes of silence between us.

I forgot I was wearing this thing, but that shows how comfortable this thing really is.


"No are you looking forward to going to ANHS?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Mhm, but I'm also kinda nervous too."

"Well, for a nervous person, you're doing well," I pointed out as her overall behavior remained the same.

"I'm really bad at expressing myself," yeah, no kidding.

"I could tell, but it's alright. Im sorta the same."


"Yeah, but I've gotten better at showing my emotions. All it took was some time and support from some good people."

'How does it feel to experience emotions?'


'You'll adapt to them because, after all, you're the best, aren't you? It would be pretty pathetic to get crippled by something as simple as depression or anxiety.'

"I the way, Im Ayanokoji Kiyone."

Kiyone huh? It's a pretty name.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl makes sense...I'm Ghost. It's a pleasure to meet you," I faced her and offered her a handshake.

Even though it was barely noticeable, I saw a look of surprise in her eyes when I said she was pretty.

I guess she's never been complimented on her appearance before, which seems unbelievable, but if it comes to her, I'd believe it.

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