Chapter Twelve: Hidden Demons (Edited)

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3rd POV

After the conversation with his sexy teacher, Ghost invited his lovers and a few of his classmates via text to come over to his place at eight to celebrate being the new Class-A.

It was only fair, considering he worked them to the bone for the entire month. Some declined for various reasons understandable to the white-haired teen and didn't prod any further. He was just glad most of them happily accepted the offer.

The red-eyed teen went to the store to get all the supplies he needed for the celebration. Once Ghost got home, he put the food away and quickly set up the plastic tableware on the counter.

When Ghost was done with that, the teen went to his room, stripped out of his clothes, and took off his mask. The teen then looked at the large mirror that he placed in front of his bed. He glared at himself for a moment and then softened his expression.

Ghost sighed heavily. "You hadn't said anything in a while. You're typically quite vocal with your thoughts," he commented blandly.

"I've learned that you can't convince a stubborn idiot to stop being a stubborn idiot. So I'm just letting you dig that hole until you realize you're in too deep," his other self replied.

"Don't know what you're talking about," Ghost laid down on his bed.

His other self sighed. "Yes, you do. You still haven't told Honami about the others. You might not be technically dating, but she still deserves to know."

The teen sighed. "I know, and I will."

"Good. Now that's out of the way, we need to discuss the actual issue."

"And that is?"


"Who?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

"Stopping feigning ignorance, you know exactly who I'm talking about. You know they'll find you eventually, right? What are you going to do once they do, hmmm? You didn't exactly make it hard to find you, ya know," his other self pointed out annoyedly.

"Why should I worry? I got protection. Even without it, I can handle whatever they throw at me," Ghost confidently answered.

His other self looked at him with disappointment. "Did you forget you're not the only one they 'created'? Or has arrogance blinded you once again? If so, I'm severely disappointed. I thought you would've learned after what happened to V."

Ghost sat up in an instant and glared heatedly at the mirror. "Don't ever bring her up again," he snarled.

His other self smirked. "Or what? Will you kill me? Do it pussy. See where that gets you."

Ghost growled. "Whatever," he laid back down. "If they do find me, I'll take care of it like I always had before. The only way I'm going back is in a body bag. They know that and wouldn't risk their resources just to come empty-handed."

"Normally, you'd be right, but did you forget you're their first and greatest creation? They won't just let you go that easily. They'll do ANYTHING to get you back, and you know that all too well, don't you?"

"I'll be prepared just in case...I won't fail like last time..." There was a small hint of pain in his voice." I promise..."

"Careful, don't keep promises you can't keep," his other self then faded away, leaving the teen alone to brood and scheme.


It was currently eight-thirty, and so far, everyone was having a great time at Ghost's apartment. Everyone was conversing with each other, talking about whatever came to mind. Yet, something was missing, and that something was Honami.

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