Chapter Fourteen: Breaking hearts (Edited)

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(Ghost POV) A month Later

Ever since we became the new Class-A, things have started to get more interesting. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I was responsible for Class D ascending to our current position and that I'm not an ordinary teenager.

If me wearing a mask and my past antics didn't give that away, I don't know what will.

Thanks to my past actions, the other classes, except for Homani's, are wary of me and, without a doubt, are planning something big for us.

If I were someone like Kiyone, who cared about subtly and minded getting unwanted attention, this would've been terrible.

Thankfully, I'm not her, and I have countermeasures for whatever the classes will pull, so I'm not worried about them coming at me. Even If I was unprepared, it's not like they could do much to anyway.

Everyone except Kiyone is an insect compared to me. Sure, some are exceptional and have a lot of potential, but compared to both, they're drops of water while we're an entire ocean.

Speaking of which, my relationships have continued to grow, and Two-Face has mostly been tamed. She's had some of her slips up, but it wasn't anything I couldn't fix.

However, my relationships weren't the only things to grow as Kiyone, Suzune, Airi, and Homani have developed in ways I didn't expect to happen so soon.

Kiyone has slowly but surely shown what she's truly capable of and is becoming less socially awkward. Airi's shyness, while still prominent, isn't as bad as it used to be. Suzune, while still an Ice Queen, isn't as cold as she used to be. And Honami isn't as naive.

So, all in all, I'm pretty proud of my girls.

"Hey, guys!" I heard Homani's cheery voice call out to us. 

Suzune, Kikyo, and I turn our attention toward her.

"Hey, Ichinose!" Kikyo was the first to greet her.

Suzune nodded her head in acknowledgment. 

"Hey love," I gave her an eye smile. 

Honami looked at me with her usual beautiful smile and embraced me.  "Hey, hun, " she said into my ear in a low tone. "By the way, did you guys get your points yet?"
We shook our heads. "I'm assuming you guys didn't get them either," I replied.

She nodded in confirmation.

"How odd..." Suzune commented. "Perhaps something is going on with school?"

"Only one way to find out."

(Scene Shift)

"There's been something of an issue. The provisional points to the first years have been delayed," Sae informed, causing them to panic and ask questions.

"What are you kidding me?"

"Are we gonna be compensated somehow for the school's screw-up?"

"Regrettably, there's nothing I can do about that. Rest assured, when it's fixed, you'll get your points. For now, you'll have to make do with what you currently have, which should be more than enough, thanks to Ghost," she glanced at me with a small smile. 

Good thing I don't have to worry about points in the first place.

I felt my phone vibrate.

I quickly checked it.

[Honami: I need to talk to you after school.]

[Me: Something wrong?]

[Honami: Could say that?]


"So what's up?" I asked a distressed Honami.

She looked a bit hesitant, but she soon revealed a letter to me, and it wasn't any normal one. 

"A love note?" I questioned, and she nodded. "I see...any idea who it's from?"

"Yeah, it's one of my female classmates..."

"A girl, huh...not gonna lie, that's kinda hot," I joked. Honami lightly smacks my chest and looks at me with a pouty face.

"This is serious! What do I do?!"

"Let her down if you're not interested. However, if you are interested and she's hot, well..." she smacked me again. I chuckled and held my hands up in mock surrender. "Ok, ok, ok, just let her down easy."

"But I don't wanna hurt her..."

Oh, you sweet, naive child.

I brought her into my embrace. "Honami. She'll get hurt no matter how you word it or reject her. However, if you lie to her, lead her on, and she finds out about it. You'll only make the pain she'd feel will be a thousand times worse. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yeah...I understand."

I looked at her and gave her an eye smile. "That's my girl," I lowered my mask and gently pressed my lips against hers. 

"I-Ichinose?" a meek female called out. 

We broke the kiss. I quickly covered my face.

We both turned our heads to the girl I assumed was the one who had a thing for Honami. 

"O-Oh h-heh Chihiro.." she responded with a strained smile. 

"I-Is Ghost y-your b-boyfriend?"

You caught us tongue-wrestling each other.

What do you think?

"Y-Yeah, he is," she looked at me. "Can you give me a minute, hun?"
I nodded and did as she asked.

After a few minutes passed, Honami finished her conversation with her classmate.

"So, how'd it go?" I asked.

"A lot better than I expected," she smiled at me. "Thank you."

I smiled. "No problem. Wanna grab something to eat, my treat."

She beamed. "Sure."

We held hands and started walking away.


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