Chapter Ten: Taming An Ice Queen (Lemon) (Edited)

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(3rd POV) -Lemon-

The white-haired teen turned his attention back to Suzune and looked at her with lust-filled eyes that caused the black-haired girl to blush furiously.

He leaned toward her ear and huskily whispered. "Well, you heard the woman; it's time to make you mine and mine alone~."

Suzune's face and whole body were burning hotter than fire due to embarrassment and lust. She never imagined losing her virginity in front of her classmates. It was extraordinarily embarrassing, yet she couldn't help but find the idea of getting sexually destroyed by her not-so-secret crush in front of her peers exhilarating.

So, with an audible gulp, she responded in a shy tone. "Just be gentle."

He pulled his head back to look at his new lover with a soft, loving smile. "Of course, anything for you, my queen~" he playfully replied before engaging in a gentle yet passionate make-out session. While they were making out, both teens were quickly taking off their clothes, and after a few moments, both teens were as naked as the day they were born.

Both teens broke the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva connecting between their lips, and were heavily panting for air. Both teens then took a moment to admire each other's bodies.

Suzune looked at Ghost's scarred, muscled body with lust, curiosity, and sadness but mainly desire.

'I wonder if he'll ever tell me how he got these scares one day...a lot of them like to be laceration and puncture wounds by bladed weapons...some even---are these bullet wounds?' she thought with dread as she saw several scars that eerily looked bullet-shaped. 'What kind of life did you have before this Ghost...who did this to you--no stop thinking about this Suzune! Now is not the time for questions! Today is the day you become a woman, and nothing will ruin this moment for you!' she thought with glee. She then looked at Ghost's lower region, and her eyes widened at what she saw. 'Is that his...are they supposed to be that big?!!!' she mentally asked herself as she was excited yet terrified about his member going inside her.

While Suzune had a minor internal crisis, Ghost enjoyed his new lover's facial expressions and delicious, sexy body. Her breasts weren't large or small, and she had dark pink nipples. Her body was slim yet toned, and had a generous amount of curves. Her legs were slender yet had a good amount of thickness in her thighs, which always made Ghost happy as his idea of a perfect woman was to be thick in all the right places instead of just one or a few areas. Why only have a big ass or big tits when you can have both? His generation of males is truly uncultured for ever having a debate about this topic in the first place.

After admiring her body, he looked at Suzune, who was still staring at his member with wide eyes, making the teen smirk.  "Like what you see, my queen?~" he cheekily asked.

Suzune snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Ghost with a blush as she realized he caught her staring hard at his member. She meekly nodded to his question."T-Thats g-going in me?" she asked nervously.

Ghost grinned. "Indeed it is~ Why?~ Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now~" he teased, making the proud black-haired girl narrow her eyes at him.

"O-Of course I-Im not," she winced and berated herself mentally for stammering. "I just didn't expect it to be so--"

"Massive," he finished for her with a proud tone.

" big is it exactly?"

"Nine inches when soft, thirteen when harden," he answered, making the girl pale.

"H-Holy shit," she'd be surprised if she could even walk after they were done having sex.

Ghost chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll ensure it won't hurt too much."

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