Chapter Eleven: The New Class A & Questions (Edited)

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Ghost POV

Today is the first of May, and when we find out how we performed this month.

We should be in Class A after this since I worked the class to the bone and also bought the answers to the test, so we're pretty set.

If we somehow lost, I'm shoving my foot up a couple of asses after class.

I received a notification. I looked at it and smirked.

( Notification: You have received 99,000 points.)

Looks like we passed and will be the new Class A.

"Hey guys, did everyone get 99,000 points?!!"

"I did!"

"So did I!!"

"That means we passed fuck yeah!!"

Once that realization dawned, everyone started having a mini celebration.

"Looks like we're the new Class A," Kiyone commented with an amused tone.

"Only because I made sure you didn't hold back~" I teased.

She playfully rolled her eyes and grinned sexily at me. "Don't get cocky now, Ghost. I just simply couldn't find a way to counter your cunning tactics. They were extraordinarily effective~."

I smirked. "Keep being a good girl, and I'll continue to reward you. However, if you decide to make things difficult, I'm cutting you off sex for a month, understand?" I said with a firm tone and expression.

She paled and quickly nodded. "I understand..."

I patted her head. "Good girl."

I looked from the corners of my eyes and saw Suzune and Airi pout in jealousy on not getting head pats, so I was about to give them the same treatment, but Sae walked into the class, halting my movements.

Damn, I guess the girls will have to wait later.

"Hey, sensei, did you menopause or something?" Ike stupidly asked.

The fuck?

What kind of fucking retarded ass question is that? I'm smacking his dumbass later.

Rightfully, Sae ignored the idiot and walked to her desk. Once she arrived, she looked at the class and gave us a rare smile.

You know...when she smiles, she's ten times hotter than usual. Hmmm, I might add her to my harem...

"Congratulations, everyone, we made it to Class A, and it's all thanks to a certain someone," she glanced at me with a smirk. "And I'm also happy to say everyone passed with flying colors.

She showed us our scores.

"Holy shit!"

"I got a ninety-three fuck yeah!"

"So many hundreds..."

I was pleased to see a lot of us scoring between ninety to a hundred, with the lowest score being eighty-nine.
This victory calls for a celebration later.

"While I am happy with the results, I want you all to remember that Ghost is responsible for your guy's success, so don't let his kindness go to waste by lacking off on your studies, got it?" everyone nodded. "Good."


"So you wanted to see me teach?"

After school ended, Sae told me to meet her on the roof, which I found strange, but I complied nonetheless since she was no threat to me and this could be a chance to find a way to get into her pants, or shall I say skirt, a very very short one might I add.

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