Chapter Nine: Jealousy (Edited)

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'Can you tell me why they were looking at you that way, Ghost?'

'Because they're jealous of me.'

'Hmmm, and why are they jealous of you?'

'Because I can do things that they can't.'

'Hmmm, that's correct. Most humans, especially the prideful and insecure ones, easily get jealous. It's been like that since the beginning of humanity. Take Cain, for example. Cain grew Jealous of Abel because God favored his brother's offering instead of you know what happened afterward?'

'He killed his brother and became the world's first murderer.'

'Correct. Jealousy is an ugly and pointless thing that will cause any individual, no matter how confident and logical, to do things they'd normally never do. Still,'re incapable of this emotion. It's one of the many reasons why you're favored by us the most. You know you're the best and don't need any reassurances, unlike everyone else.'

'And I have you guys to thank for that. Without you all, I'd never have gotten to where I am now.'

'Nonsense, you would've gotten to where you were regardless of whether you had our aid. The only difference is that it would've taken you slightly longer without us.'

'If you say so, ma'am. Can I go now?'

'Yes, but promise me one thing.'

'What is it?'

'Always remember you're the best. Can you do that for me?'

'Yes, ma'am...'

I kept that promise after all these years. Was it hard? I had my ups and downs, but yeah, I did. Even after what happened with V, I kept it even though I wanted to break it.

That day, I almost broke that promise, but I didn't...I had already broken one promise; I wasn't about to break a second one so soon.

I had to be logical even though I wanted to be emotional and blame myself, but I didn't allow it.

What good would come out of being overly emotional and unreasonable?

Nothing, absolutely I grieved healthily and kept moving forward.

I also still haven't experienced jealousy, which I'm glad about as that emotion is beneath me...but it's amusing to see on everyone else.

It's especially amusing to see Suzune experiencing it and even more entertaining to see her attempt to deny that she's jealous despite me having overwhelming evidence against her.

I see how she glares at me when Honami and I are together, laughing, looking at each other like loved-struck teens, and when we get handsy.

I also know she suspects something is happening between me, Kiyone, and Airi. To be fair, I'm not even trying to hide, and neither were they; however, since I want to be a troll today, Im going to go ahead and confirm her suspicions gloriously.

So, as soon as I walk into class, my sights immediately land on my two girlfriends.

A grin formed on my face, and I then approached them.

"Hey, Airi," I greeted in a cheerful tone.

She looks up at me and smiles with a noticeable smile. "H-Hey G-Ghost--"

Before she could continue, I leaned down, slightly lowered my mask, and then quickly locked my lips with hers for about two seconds. I then pulled back, quickly covering my face, and enjoyed Airi's crimson face for a second before making my way toward my next target while ignoring the looks of disbelief, rage, and envy from everyone. Once I was near Kiyone, she happily accepted the same treatment I gave Airi.

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