Chapter Thirteen: Supremacy (🍋🍋) (Edited)

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Ghost PoV (Lemon)


"You heard me suck it."

"W-Will t-that even fit in my mouth?"

"Only one way to find out."

Kikyo gulped. Her shaking hand gently grabbed onto my member and began to stroke it slowly.

Her palm was cold, but I didn't mind the feeling it felt quite nice. I've always been more comfortable in the cold than in the heat.

The only time I enjoy any kind of heat is when it's coming from a girl's body, mouth, or pussy. Any warmth from anywhere else I'd rather just avoid. When I finish my time here at ANHS and in Japan, I'll move somewhere cold.

Alaska sounds nice, and so does Canada. Too bad I can't go to Antarctica. It would've been a nice place to live if I chose the path of isolation. Too bad it's not family-friendly, and I'm pretty sure the girls would never agree to go there in the first place. Oh well, I don't particularly mind that. You can't have everything.

"You know you're pretty good at this. Have you done this before?" I probably don't know her personality, but asking never hurts.

She made a disgusted face. "No, I've never done something like this until now. Never saw the appeal of sex or relationships," she growled, beginning to stroke me faster.

"I guess you're just a natural," I joked.

She glared at me. "Just up and come already. I don't wanna do this more than I have to."

"Well, too bad for you. We're going to be going at it all night long."

She looked at me, her face going pale. "A-Are y-you serious?!!"

"As a heart attack," I quipped. "I'm not an easy man to satisfy. You can even ask my girlfriends that."

"G-Girlfriends?! You mean y-you're dating more than one?!"

"Yeah," my voice was filled with pride. "And I adore them all greatly. I bet that's something you'll never get."

She frowned. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means you'll never be loved. I mean, sure, the fake you would be, but you're true self, not a fat chance. You'll just be a pretty fuckable face for the rest of your life."

"Fuck you!!" she increased her stroking speed.

"I mean, that's why we're here, no?" I questioned rhetorically. "But I'm not gonna just fuck you. Imma fuck the soul out of you and keeping railing even when you slip in and out of unconscious. All you'll ever be is my fuck toy until the day you die," I put my thumb between her lips. "Open," she reluctantly does as she's told. "Suck," she begins to suck on my thumb while glaring daggers into my eyes. "You know, when you glare at me, it only makes me hornier," I grinned.

Her face twisted into disgust. "You're a fucking perv and a psychopath."

I chuckled. "You're not wrong. Alright, enough talk," I grabbed Kikyo by the hair and rammed my rod down her throat, making her eyes bulge out of their sockets.

For the next five minutes, I was abusing the shit out of Kikyo's tight throat, and the feeling was amazing, and I'm not just talking about the physical aspect of it. No, it's the overwhelming advantage I have over her.

Few things in life are sweeter than completely overpowering and humiliating your enemies so extensively that they're utterly subservient to your will.

I was feeling my climax approach, so to assert my dominance over her further, I increased the speed of my thrusts. After a few moments, I busted down her throat and didn't let her head go until every drop was in her pretty little mouth. 

I let go of Kikyo's head, and she was gasping for air. Once she could properly breathe, she glared at me. 

Awe, how cute~ She's mad~

"Fucking asshole!! I could barely breathe!! "

I rolled my eyes.  "Oh, shut the fuck up. You loved it, and you know it.  Otherwise, you wouldn't be leaking," I pointed out. 

She looked down at crouch, and she was indeed wetter than an ocean. 

Kikyo blushed crimson. "Fuck!!! I fucking hate you!!!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, take off your panties already. I still have a lot more in the tank to go," I gestured to my throbbing erection.

"How are you still hard!! Aren't guys supposed to be limp after a climax?!"

"I'm just built differently, " I grabbed a chair and sat down. "I'm waiting whore, " Kikyo grumbled and removed her panties. Once her pussy was above my erection, I aggressively opened her shirt and ripped her bra off. 

"What the fuUUUCKKKK~" she moaned as I started sucking and groping her giant tits. She grabbed my head and pushed me further into her breasts.

Once I was done with her two weapons of mass pleasure, I shoved my tongue down her throat and easily overpowered her. 

I grabbed her bubble butt and slowly impaled her, taking her virginity.

"Fuck!" she hissed from the pain.  Once she adjusted to my size, I started thrusting into her incredibly tight pussy.  "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!" she tightened around my around and came hard. 

After experiencing her first orgasm, something in Kikyo snapped as her hate-filled eyes were now filled with lust and ecstasy. 

She met my thrusts by enthusiastically bouncing on my rod while moaning into my mouth. 

We went at it for hours, with both of us cumming multiple times. It was safe to say I had two faces wrapped around my finger or cock in this case. It still doesn't hurt to have reassurances, however. 

(Lemon end)

"So Kikyo, will you be a good girl?" I asked Kikyo, who was currently on the ground covered in sweat and bodily fluids.

"Will I get more of this... ?" she asked tiredly, gesturing to my limp member. 

"Only if you behave."

She smiled. "Then yeah, I'll behave...honestly, I haven't felt that great since...ever..."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously. 

"It's not easy wearing a mask, being someone you aren't, always trying to be the center of attention. It causes a lot of stress..."

"I get what you mean."

She looked at me and gave me a tired smile. "Yeah, you do, don't you? But it's also different..."

"Yeah, how so?" I care about people, unlike her. 

"You care about our classmates," bingo. 

"I do...Kikyo, from now on, I want you to come to me whenever you need to vent. It can be talking or fucking. Either way, I don't mind."


"By the way, I meant what I said by the way. "

"About what?"

"That you're mine until the day you die."

".... Are you a yandere?"

"Sorta. I don't get jealous like they do because I know I'm the best and know how to control myself."

"...Oh well, guess I don't mind..."

I chuckled. "Good girl."

My phone went off, so I checked it and saw I got a message from Kiyone. 

[Kiyone: You finished yet? ]

[Me: Yeah, I'm on my way. Are the others asleep?]

[Kiyone: Yeah, they're in your room sleeping.]

[Me: Good. By the way, do you want to fuck when I get back? ]

[Kiyone: Do you even need to ask?]

Eh, she's not wrong. 


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