Chapter Three: The Secretary (Edited)

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While waiting to meet my potential secretary in the student council room, my mind wandered to a conversation I had four years ago.

'Will we ever leave this place?'

'Of course, we will, and when we do, we'll explore the world together!'

'Don't keep a promise you can't keep.'

'I don't ever make a promise I can't keep. One day, we'll leave this place and put all this behind us, finally have the peace we craved.'

'I hope so... I'm so tired...'

'I know me too...that's why we need to wait until the time is right, and when it is, we'll be away from this place and go wherever you wanna go.'

'Hmmm, I always wanted to go to Japan...'

'Then we'll go there! That's a promise!'

'How do you do it.....?'

'Do what?'
'Still, be you and still be sane.'

'Oh, that's pretty easy...I was never sane, to begin with...'

I felt a tap on my shoulder and snapped out of it. I looked up, and my eyes widened, and I inaudibly gasped.

"Vivian...?" I whispered with a vulnerable tone.

'Promise you'll stay safe out there...'

'I promise nothing is going to happen to me. Im the best after all.'

'I'm being serious, Snow Bear."'

'Ok, ok, I got it, just don't use that horrible nickname...'

'I thought it was cute...'

'Hehehe...I love you, V...'

'I love you too...'

"Who's Vivian?" the girl asked, tilting her head in confusion.

I snapped out of it again, and I nervously chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry about just looked like someone I used to know," I replied.

This girl looked nearly identical to Vivian. She had long hair, stunning bright blue eyes a person could get lost in, and was breathtakingly beautiful.

The only difference was that this girl had strawberry-blonde hair while Vivian had crimson with silver highlights.

Besides that, these two were practically twins.

"Oh, no need to apologize, I understand," she replied with a beautiful smile that got my heart pumping just like Vivian's smile did.


"Hehe, thanks...anyways, I'm Ghost of Class D," I held out my hand for her to shake.

"Oh, I know who you are. Practically everyone does," Honami giggled and shook my hand. "Im, Ichinose Honami of Class B," she introduced.

"Well, it's a pleasure to you," I gave her an eye smile.

"Likewise. So where's Horikita? I was told to come here."

"Yeah, you were, but you're not here to talk to him," I replied, confusing her. "You're here to meet the Vice President," I gestured to myself, making her eyes widen like saucers.

"Wow, congrats! I didn't expect you to be Vice President of the student council, but it makes sense since you were the first person to ace the entrance exams after all... congrats on that, by the way," she added, making me chuckle.

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