Chapter Eight: Shy Girls Are The Best! (Lemon) (Edited)

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(3rd POV)

"You know, I didn't really know if you'd show up," Ghost commented.

It was apparent to him and everyone with a working pair of eyes that Airi was ridiculously shy and preferred to keep to herself. One could imagine their surprise if they ever found out she was about to have sex with the mysterious and sexy vice president of ANHS.

Ghost would be lying if he said he didn't doubt the pink-haired girl showing up, but he was glad she did, as Airi would make a fine addition to his harem.

She looked at him, surprised. Why wouldn't she come? This was the first time a boy was giving her any attention, and the boy so happened to be the hottest guy she's ever seen. Airi didn't need to see his face to know that Ghost was extremely handsome as she thought it was apparent, and she knew he wasn't a bad person, troubled? Yes, but bad? She didn't believe so. She always had the special ability to get a good read on someone and was hardly ever wrong. From what she could see, Ghost was loving, loyal, friendly, charming, cheeky, and stupidly perceptive, but most of all, she could see he was broken and tired. He's like her...but to a greater extent.

Nonetheless, they were the same, and she wanted to be close to someone like her, but she didn't know how to do that due to her shy nature. Luckily she didn't have to do anything as Ghost started talking to her, albeit she didn't want their first time talking to be about her watching him getting a blowjob in the library...but she was happy nonetheless.

"O-Of c-course I'd c-come y-you a-asked m-me too," she replied with flushed cheeks and looked down.

"You must have it hard for me, huh?" Ghost teased, causing the girl to blush furiously, and she meekly nodded in response, not trusting her voice to speak. "Well, I'm glad you do," he approached her and lifted her head by the chin with his finger and was now looking into her beautiful blue eyes. "Before we do anything, are you sure you wanna do this with me?"

"Y-Yes," she replied, getting lost looking into his visible red eye. "I-I t-trust y-you."

"How can you trust me, hmm? Who knows, maybe I'm just using you for your sexy body."

She frowned. "No, you're not," she spoke without stammering, surprising Ghost. "I can tell--no, I know you wouldn't ever hurt me in any way," she placed her hands on his face gently and looked at him like a maiden in love. "The eyes are the window to the soul, and I can see that you don't wanna hurt me. You might not know me much or love me...but I know you care for me...and that's all I need to know, so yes, I'm sure I want this..."

"I see then," he was quiet momentarily before speaking again. "But I still feel obligated to warn you that once we do this, you belong to me," he said before grabbing the pinkette by the waist. This action caused Airi to gasp. "Your heart, soul, and body will permanently be mine. There are no ifs or buts about it. Understood?" he growled lowly.

She breathed heavily. "I understand, and that's fine with me as I only want to belong to you..."

"Good," he pulled away and removed his mask, exposing his face to the pink-haired girl, who blushed madly at seeing what he looked like. Airi knew he was handsome, but this was beyond what she expected! "So what do you think?~," he asked in a husky tone.

Instead of replying to his question, she walked toward him and pulled him into a kiss, much to his surprised delight.

Unlike with Kiyone, the kiss he and Airi shared was gentle, yet it was also passionate. There was no tongue, aggression, or dominating as Airi wasn't anything like Kiyone, and he was careful with her as the pink-haired girl wasn't a freak of nature like him or Kiyone. Ghost was pretty sure if he gave Airi the same treatment as Kiyone, she wouldn't be able to handle him.

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