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Ponyboy and Johnny knows each other since they were 8 and 10. Today they're best friends, with some secrets.

Johnny's POV

I know I like Ponyboy. I always have, but I'm sure he'd never feel the same. Ever since I got out of the hospital, I want to tell him how I much I love him. I do not know if I would ever have the courage to tell him, so that is why I became quite distant. I left the Curtis's household a while ago and now I'm laying in the parking lot. I don't know what time it is but I guess I'll sleep here.

-Time Skip-

"Johnnycake, wake up."

I open one of my eyes and try to figure out who's waking me up.

"Johnny, wake up. Now!"

I turn around and open my eyes. I see who's waking me up.

"Sodapop! What are you doing here?"

"Ponyboy asked me to get you, a big storm is coming and he didn't want you to sleep through it," he said.

"Come with me and let's go home." He sticks out one of his and to help me getting up.

I guess I'll have to sleep with Ponyboy tonight.

Ponyboy's POV

Johnny Cade. Johnny fucking Cade. Why do I have a crush on my best friend? I asked Soda to go and get him at the lot. I told him that I didn't want him to sleep alone at the lot tonight because a big storm is coming. I kind of lied to him, obviously the storm part isn't true. I just want to sleep next to Johnny, like in the good old days. Well before we almost died in that damn fire.

I've been thinking for a few minutes, but my thought got interrupted by the door opening down stairs. I get out of my room and run towards it. I arrive at the front door and see Sodapop and Johnny coming in.

"There you go Pony, your Johnnycake is here", Soda says while smirking at me. That bastard. I start to bush and I look at Johnny. He looks at me with a big smile and a small blush on his cheeks.

"I'll sleep on the couch tonight, take the bed with Pony, I don't mind.," Soda says.

"Ok thank you Soda, goodnight!," Johnny says.

I say goodnight to my brother and I feel a hand wrapping itself around my wrist. I look at Johnny and smile. He drags me to my room. We enter and an awkward silence is installing itself.

Johnny's POV

I don't know why but neither me or Pony have something to say. Usually, we talk about everything or listen to some music but now the room is filled with an annoying silence that I'll try to break.

"Why did you wanted me to come Pony?", I ask while sitting on his bed.

"Because I thought that you'd be better in here than in the parking lot.", he answers

The silence is coming back. That was the dumbest question to ever ask. Obviously, I knew the answer. Ponyboy comes sitting on his bed with me. He's looking down at his hands. I can't stop looking at him. He looks up from his hands and looks at me in the eyes.

"Johnny, you are distancing yourself. Is everything alright or have I done something wrong?," he asks me.

Why does he think that! He did nothing wrong at all. I love everything about him. I'll make sure he never thinks that anymore.

"No Pony. Not at all." I say looking at my hands smiling

"I've just been hiding something from you for a while now but I don't think I could hide it anymore. No one knows about it and I'm so scared that I became distant. I should never have done this Ponyboy and I'm truly sorry about that," I tell him while taking one of his hands.

"Johnny, I have a secret too. It makes me scared and I don't want to lose you as well." He looks at me and some tears are dripping down on his cheek. I take my other hand and wipe them away.

"Don't cry Pony. I'd never judge you. You make me feel safe and being around you is comforting I'll be always there to support you.", I say

He looks at me in the eyes. "Maybe we have the same secret Johnnycake.," he whispers.

Ponyboy's POV

What did I just say. I'm sure his secret isn't that he loves me. WHAT DID I THINK!

"Do you want to say it and see what happens?" Johnny says, squeezing my hand.

I've been so lost in my thoughts that I never noticed that his other hand is resting on my cheek. I feel a burning sensation in my stomach and I feel the urge to kiss him. I take a quick look at his lips and then in his eyes. I need to kiss him. Now. I'm feeling like maybe he could feel the same way. Maybe.

"What if I show you my secret Johnnycake?," I say. I don't know what took over me but it makes me happy.

He looks at me confused and I just kiss him quickly. I pull back and look at Johnny. He looks really shocked. Fuck.

"I'm sorry Joh-" I got cut off by his lips on mine.

His lips are perfect for me. I kiss him back and feel sparks in my stomach. This is probably the best thing I've ever felt. He pulls back and rest his forehead on mine.

"I love you Ponyboy," Johnny says. My heart skips a beat. Johnny saying this to me makes me the happiest boy on earth.

"I love you too Johnny"

He kissed me again wrapping his arms behind my neck. I pull him towards me and slide my tongue across his bottom lip to enter his mouth. He gladly accepts and move to straddle me. I never thought something like that would happen. Johnny starts to kiss my neck and leaving some marks until we hear a gasp. I turn around and look at my brother, standing there his mouth wide open and a shocked look in his eyes.

"SODAPOP CURTIS CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR!" I scream. Soda just close the door and we hear his footsteps walking away.

"Well, I guess this was our sign to stop," Johnny says.

We look at each other and starts to laugh. He gets off of me and go under the cover. I follow him and scoot closer to Johnny.

"Ponyboy, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Johnny asks me shyly.

"Yes Johnnycake. A hundred time yes." I answer kissing him.

This is the best way to end the night.


Words : 1127

This is my first one shot so if it's shitty i'm really sorry

All the love


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