Wouldn't it be nice

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Johnny's POV

I'm laying on the top of a hill and looking at the stars. I love being with my friends but sometimes I just want to be alone and think. Usually, I think about insignificant things like where does last names come from or who decided to call a book a book, but tonight it's a little bit different.

For a few days, I've been thinking non-stop about Ponyboy. Sometimes, when I start daydreaming or zoning out, I catch myself thinking about him. That's what I'm doing now. I'm just laying down in the dark thinking about my best friend. I'm well aware that my feelings will never be reciprocated but I don't mind. Soon enough I start to feel sleepy so I drift away with the thought of Pony's arms wrapped around me.

Ponyboy's POV

I wake up because I hear some whispers outside of my room. I check the clock in my room and it indicates 2 AM. I carefully get out of my bed and press my ear against the wooden door.

"Steve and Two-Bit know Dallas." I hear Darry says on the other side. "I'd like to tell my brothers about us, please understand me. They're the only ones I got left and I'm sick of hiding my love for you."

Darry sounds desperate. I didn't know he was hiding stuff like that from us. I put my hand on the doorknob and twist it carefully. A small crack made itself and I can see my friend lying on my brother's lap. I think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. See, I always knew I liked guys. In fact, I like one guy. I never let my feelings show because I'm scared of what the gang would think about it, but now, I don't think I have to worry about it anymore. I know that Darry, Dallas, Steve and Two-Bit won't mind. I close carefully the door again and crawl back into bed. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Johnny's POV

I wake up with the sun shining on my face. I don't really remember where I am. I sit up and take my cigarette pack and my lighter out of my pocket. I pull one out, light it up and inhale. I look around and see that I fell asleep in the park where Ponyboy and I met when we were 8 and 10. I hate that I always think about him. I know shouldn't feel bad about it but I can't help it. Thinking about your best friend isn't supposed to be weird until you think about them hugging, kissing and cuddling you. I take another drag of my cancer stick and get up. I walk to the Curtis's house to hang out with everyone, especially Ponyboy.

Ponyboy's POV

I wake up around 8 AM and get out of my room. I walk towards the living room to watch TV but back off the second I see Dallas and Darry spooning and fast asleep on the couch. I go into the kitchen to make my breakfast and I guess I'll just go in my room until they both wake up. I don't want them to be pissed at me if I disturb them in their sleep so I'll let them be. As I'm walking towards the stairs, I hear a soft knock at the front door. There's only one person who's knocking and waiting for someone to open. I walk towards it with a huge grin plastered on my face. I open the door and see Johnny, with a cancer stick between his lips. A smile made its way onto his face. I get outside and close the door behind me.

"Hey Johnnycake!" I say with the same wide smile. You know yesterday when I said I liked a boy, I was talking about him. Johnny, my best friend.

"Hello Pony, why did you come outside?" He asks me with a small chuckle.

"Oh, there's just some board crashing on the couch, probably one that Soda or Darry shagged last night." I lie.

"Oh, okay. You wanna do something?" He asks me throwing his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it.

"Hum yeah, I'll just go tell my brothers," I say opening the door. As I close it, I hear a small groan on my left. I take a look and see Dally trying to get out of my brother's arms. He looks at me with a terrified look and he stops moving.

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